'seduce' is so not a good word....unless that is literally what ur thinking!!! you should just ask her out..see what her reaction is and then go from there....if u see that she's uncomfortable with that then u can say there are others there too but u just asked her first so u could plan what the 'group' could do!! simple
wow thats pretty much what happened to me. i wasn't too sure if she liked me or just wanted to play around so i just stopped pursuing a relationship with her. we started talking again a year later and now we're seeing each other again, nothing serious yet though. anyways to the OP, just ask her out on a date, could be just a friendly thing and see how it goes.
lol i play piano but she plays too lol and better than me give me mor advice i will try some lol not the sarcastic ones of course lool but thanks
can you define to use your use of the word seduce first? cause i think that would really change the way all thes epeople in here will respond to your question
seduce? i don't know for me it's the way to go out with her, make her appreciate you not only like a friend but a little more
Don't worry about what you say too much.. Remember, you can't say the right thing to the wrong person and you can't say the wrong thing to the right person. Or if you really want to know, just ask her to go out on a date w/ you. I think it would be pretty clear what your intentions are and what her answer is if you just ask.
yeah right but if i want to succeed and go out with her i have to make her more appreciate me not that she doesn't appreciate me but i want more i want to be closier with her
lol easy to say that but not so easy in real..... or am I to shy? lol when she's near me i don't talk a lot too afraid to say idiot things.... we talk together but not a lot sometimes we eat together with the other friends
Not everyone can be creative... for example me, i cant think of anything. Only stuff that pops up in my mind are the ridiculous things people in tvb do, which i cant do. My mind just goes blank whenver i think of ways to get a girl/ keep a girl/show her i love her etc..
Ask her out, talk to her, you'll need to get over your shyness, and pay attention to her (all girls love attention). Give her subtle compliments.
Find out what kind of guy she likes, then learn to be the man of her dreams while still being who you want to be. If those 2 tasks don't match up, find another girl. But if you must insist on following the routine (a routine that doesn't usually work in the guys favor btw). Just ask her out and go on some casual dates. Don't even hint in the direction that you want to be more than friends when you're asking her (or else it might scare her off). After you have a kick a$$ date, have another one several days later. Your goal is not to impress, it's to make her have fun and can't help but smile when she's looking at/talking to/thinking about you. Eventually, when you on one of your awesome dates, just grab her hand (don't ask). If she doesn't pull her hand away (flinching, but still holding your hand, from the surprise is ok), she'll definately get the idea and you'll have her approval all at the same time. There are faster ways, but unless you know what you're doing, you'll crash and burn. The chase is the fun part anyways... relationships are... um... time consuming... to say the least
^^ come back and tell us how it went if you do get a date with her about the grabbing hand thing, i did it on the first night we went out lol, and i'm not usually that courageous to do something like that. but if the girl does flinch, it's not necessarily a bad thing, they might just feel a bit awkward or shy about it. at that stage i guess you should be ready to tell them that you want to be more than friends