See Lai fights Black Woman on SF MUNI bus

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by KT, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    That shit is just too funny, that young asian lady was the only one that stopped the fighting. She spoke only in english too.
  2. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Comments dusted as a precaution to prevent this from going the wrong way.

  3. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    I heard...

    "put ur hands off!"
    "you阿史diu bit!" (>10)
    "f*** u!" (>7)
    "ok stop it! stop it!"
    "好聲好氣" (in a toisan accent or sth?)

    i wonder if those ppl watch themselves on youtube yet...will there be a protest or sth lol...this thing reminds me of the rosa park bus incident, except this time (Y) for the Chinese lady
  4. psyduck215

    psyduck215 Well-Known Member

    Bus full of taisanese people on the back encouraging her to fight, what's wrong with them.
  5. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    it's all about pride. exactly how this argument started in the first place. the black woman felt disrespected by the chinese lady because the chinese lady probably ignored the fact that she didn't want her to sit next to her. the chinese lady felt that the black woman was bullying her because she is chinese. and besides, if you see someone get punched in the face don't tell me you don't think the person who got hit should whoop the other person's ass. I would.
  6. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    sad that the chinese on the bus just "talk and watch" .. encouraging them to fight or whatever... they didn't do anything to stop or help .. wtf .. if this occurs in the black bus, i bet you the see lai would've been dead if not paralyzed by the time it was over.
  7. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ^I KNOWWWWWWW RITE sigh*...esp in the city, or just places where AAs lived, i never step into places where lots of AAs locate, they'll so kill ya

    i think they didnt help @ all cuz they don wanna get involve @ all, 置身事外, like watching a tv show...tho. its the pride, they shouldnt just encourage her to fight, all she used to reply is foul languages (i dont expect her to explain things in english but she shouldn't use those words to the black lady anyways, not smart to solve the problem.) her fight back to the black lady is understandable i guess.... u hit me i'll hit u, natural reaction
  8. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    it does not matter where they are, I don't think the woman was wrong for fighting back! that woman is a fucking bitch for punching her in the face! If someone punch me in the face I'll fuck them up too lol. I don't care if they are black, chinese, white, hispanic, whatever they are! You hit me and I'll hit you back. You guys are talking like the chinese woman hit her first or initiated the fight. The black woman is the one who is telling her she will fuck her up and getting all up in her face. Usually, chinese immigrants who do not know english don't dare start arguments with people because they don't have the language skills to beat them in arguing, so I doubt the chinese woman started the argument.

    lol, yes I guess the fuck you was a bit crazy, but I don't blame her for it after the black woman kept saying she will fuck her up and called her a bitch and shit. If she is gonna yell at her with foul language, why shouldn't she?
  9. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    don't matter who's right or wrong .. whoever make the first punch should be punished .. by law .. you can sue them both in the criminal and civil court even if you hit them back .. self defense.

    i am disgusted with those chinese ppl sitting around and doing shit .. chinese comradery .. lol .. what a joke... should've kept their fucking mouth shut in the first place like the white dude when they didn't wanna get involve ..

    the see lai was kinda weak in the defensive move .. she should've pull her hair and punch her face instead of letting her get away .. lol

    have ya'll seen those azn gals at the club fight? damn .. they're good, fast, and vicious... they purposely wear sharp rings in the fingers .. pull hairs, kick, punch with the rings scratching the face and shit .. lol
  10. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟


    ure saying it should be punished, but then u wish she could've pull her hair and punch her face...kk

    aint old enough to go to clubs, but i knw lots of azn fightings around my area. someone just got kill lately in a net cafe.

    true, wish that guy started to film a lil earlier. i was being quiet @ everything when i first came here. --;
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    the black woman can still be punished by law since she landed the first punch .. as self defense .. the asian lady could've done more .. lol .. come on .. the first punch was on the face .. the azn lady only hit here and there .. not hard enough ... weak, weak, weak ..

    fighting is fighting .. not killing .. that's way over the line and it's pathetic.
  12. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    they fought, then got stabbed - DEAD, 19 yrs old. violence...& hey, u expect her to knw the good moves? lols

    really do wonder what the black community in SF will do about it, are there lots of extreme gangs over there? oO;
  13. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i dunno .. i don't live in sf .. but black community is really tight .. gangs .. everywhere i bet ..

    when i first saw the thread title .. i thought the see lai knows kung fu or something .. how disappointing .. lol
  14. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    the fuck .. now your just being stereotypical .... the fucks wrong with you? if you want to watch actual fighting go watch UFC .... and not see lais fighting on a bus .... pffft ...
    ... anyway erm ... guesss see lais dat han mo yer jo excpet complain and argue ... tututut .... xD
  15. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    over here the black gangs r more against themselves. they won't gang up n go after another group. i'm proud that this lady beat the shit outta the black chick. over here is sf there r a lot of black people that pick on us chinese people. this old lady stood up for herself as a lot of others won't. if i were her i would of done the same.

    i went to chinatown this morning to get sum dim sum to go. i drove around looking for her. if i found her i would of treated her to yum cha
  16. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    ok, well I don't get what you're trying to say. are you saying she should or should not be fighting with that black woman? & why would you be disgusted by the people around who are cheering her on? I'm sure both sides wouldn't want any other people to try and get into their business by joining in the fight. the only thing the people around were doing was telling her to hit her and stuff. don't tell me you wouldn't cheer on when you are watching a boxing match or something.. same thing, imo. you're watching a fight and you're just cheering on whoever's side you are on. doesn't mean you should jump in and join in on the fight.

    hahaha.. actually that's not really true. there was a whole black vs. hispanics thing going on at my high school. I got my ass out of it and left school early to get some food hahahaha.

    a couple years ago many blacks and hispanics were targetting chinese high schoolers to attack and rob.
  17. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ^they're still attacking us :( its always the hispanics/AA who did the dirty stuff

    safe for 5 yrs staying in the little jersey but im back now -cry2 im being lil stereotypical and coward here but i gotta say when im waiting or on the train in the afternoon, i feel sorta uncomfortable and insecure cuz the loads of hispanics and AA are around me, "yo!" "shit fuck" whatever's out from their mouth and they're being so damn loud kinda scared me, dk when they'll start the fight & rob me XDDDDD
  18. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    lol I was like that before, but then when I went to a ghetto ass highschool I just adapted to the environment. hahahaha
  19. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    mayb its different everywhere. when i was in highschool no one race actually ganged up on another race. it was just clicks or gangs. there were black on black fights. mexican on mexican fights. chinese on chinese fights... etc..... me n my friends which consist of chinese n viets went around the world n fought em all....

    i guess we don't gang up with our race and go for another is because we have too much pride or we just hate the other click.
  20. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    From what I read so far, you guys had it pretty tough when you were in school. I went to a high school that's 95% black and it's considered a pretty good high school. I didn't really have any problems with people of another race. I hang out with black and hispanic people pretty often. I am so liking Chicago and the people here.

    When I went to San Francisco to visit my cousin, I found out that the people there are straight out rude. There are just less respect given between races. I like how there has beautiful natural places and a huge Asian population, but that's about it. The food there is terrible. Chicago has more and better restaurants.