yar now where would he find banana skins eh???? who in the world would have soo much banana skins in their house??????????? who can it be???????????
My advice, If they know more Kung Fu then you, Run. ~ From Kung Fu rag doll. (always find that line funny)
I have a question or a need for advise: It's about corperations. I believe that the larger the corperation or company, the more arrogant the members will be, because they think that they're untouchable. Most ppl like to join large groups for a similar feel - eg. like a gang or mofia But, I'm talking about business companies that's frustrating me. Even if a company is wrong, they will always be right in their view, because they have a mandate to sustain the company. So, if they get a bad rap, it can be that's it for them, so if it's a wrong-doing or a crime that they committed on an individual, they will try their best to cover it up. But, if many ppl are affected by their mistakes...eg. like AIG - then, their ass is exposed!
You posted a statement about your beliefs, and then more rambling about what is wrong with corporations; but not a question. My advice is to advise you to frame your query in the form of a question.
My Uni wants to kick me out for getting fails cause they took off my marks by accident =| now i have to prove it.... HOW THE F*** do I DO THAT WHEN THEY DID ALL THE PROCESS AND HAVE ALL THE APPLICATION FORMS!!