trust lala.bel.tempo to come up with something like that lol, he dont wna make it anymore awkward than it already is. But seriously dude....if she can jus dump/cheat on her bf jus like that for you, then you are seriously trading on thin ice.....says she can easily do the same back. i know you cant help who you like, but just be careful. so....if you want advice to approach, next time you make eye contact, flash her a smile and a nod, and then turn away, it would leave her curious and maybe get her to approach you. x
Scout - Checking out her surroundings, main one should be is she single, then check if she's straight. Infiltrate - Start getting really close to her, make her notice you all the time, know a lot about her and every detail about her. Interrogate - Left that out, chat with her and check for any signs from her, chat with her friends and ask them what she thinks about you. Detonate - which is strike or action, but detonate sounds better, when she shows sign then you shall strike, start a spark and if successful, things will go according your way It just sounds better lol
OK, she has a bf so u dnt wana go there, be friends and just leave it at that. Talk to her, hang round, wateva, just dont do anything rash, if she likes u, u'll eventually knw cos she'll leave her bf, but if she doesnt, u dnt wana be in the situation where ur fighting over her. Think bout it this way, maybe she wana teach her bf a lesson, u dnt wana be the person she uses!
how crude. >< wow.. harsh Yes, I agree.. staring means nothing.. I stare at people all the time.. soesn't mean i like them or anything. I'm just being observant or criticising them in my head... I do it all the time.. usually when I'm bored or in a pensive mood.. Actually when I'm in a pensive mood.. I usually stare off somewhere at in looks like i'm staring at people.. when I'm just spacing out. LOl uh huh. I usually stare at people who look kinda odd or are too pretty or handsome to be true.
Sorry but I think your taking it a bit too far. Don't take things too far mate or the boyfriend is going to eat you alive. Talking and looking at someone doesn't really mean anything, but going for someone else's girl is kinda dangerous don't you think? So I will just pray for your safety =P and ermmm good luck for the future haha.
just pop the question u got nothing to lose, dont have high expection ok, ask her out then just do her in da clubs lol
ok u can either do it the long way or the short way long way is to talk to her get to know her knew what she likes but try to find out how long they have been going out i mean tehres a chance they may break up and u can be like pillow and tissues of her tears lol then u can prbly make a move after that but the short way is just to ask her u got nothing to lose atleast i dont think so lol
have u tried asking her ? first of all, initiate a talk would be nice to start off and when u guys get to know each other more then u'll eventually find the answer
maybe she just wana be friends? make the first move and just start talking to her...u never know..u could end up being the best of friends or good friends
She's telling you that you find her very attractive so she finds you..somehow pitiful....being friends is enough... lol