LFD --> La Femme Desperado 女人唔易做 TFL ----> The Family Link 師奶兵團 Which series did you like her in?? hmm.. in the LFD she's really strong and doesn't really show her emotional. in TFL she's really weak and her being see lai isn't her kinder thing i don't think... hmm.. i dunno. which one i like her in.
she's handling things very well in both series...being hilda in LFD she can manage her subordinates and really capable in her career...kaka in TFL managed her family well and did her best in protecting her kids and family...i think shereen in both series are just analogous
i haven't seen LFD yet, but i think i would like her in LFD more cause i like her attitude in that series (know b/c of commercials). she is more mature n high classed compared to TFL when she's a housewife whose over worried about a lot of things. but she still a great actress who did a really good job in playing her role in TFL.
i think she acts wel in both characters! shes so good at everything i wish she was in more tvb series! she is so talented! in LFD she was so strong and a 'loi kerng yun' n here being a 'si lai' she still shows the qualities of one so naturally!
I loved her in LFD. Yep, I'm a fan of woman who stand up for themselves and doesn't need some stupid man to complete her life xD When I first saw her role in TFL, I was devastated. First, she gives me an impression of a strong, ideal woman and now she's a weaker lady. But, her acting is good, so she was okay, i guess.. Still prefer her in LFD more tho -lol
shes good w/ serious roles.. but i feel like not everyone can do comdies.. instead of being funny, they turn out to be more on the annoying side..
not a lot of people have voted =/ i voted for the family link because i thought sheren put a lot of effort and heart in acting out her role as a housewife.
Prefer LFD. But these 2dramas proved to us again that she is indeed a good artiste,with good acting skills.
Definitely LFD! Her strong personality in that one suits her more than this motherly role.... in this one... she looks quite aged whereas the other makes her look a lot younger. but like tien said, definitely this shows her versatileness as an actress
I dont like her in LFD, cuz she is unhappy with other person. That makes her roles a little bit annoying. But she is prettier in LFD than FL..
I always get the storylines/characters mixed up from LFD and TFL when I talk about them.. It's hard to say which character I like better because they are so different..