short temper?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Fayjai, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Loriegolaud

    Loriegolaud Member

    Well I find that people that throws a tantrum are really in need of attention, they need to express their feelings strongly but don't really know how. When people doesn't like interferences, usually they say it, unlike those who can't stop shouting, arguing and blaspheming.

    I used to get in a lot of fights with my gf because I'm more a reserved type and she's more expressive. Whenever she felt angry, it was an explosion and I didn't say anything because I did not know how to deal with that kind of situation. So that usually end up worse because she felt like I was ignoring her.

    Now I try to talk it out, well first I'm asking her some questions just to get her to talk about her feelings then if she continue to be really angry, I tell her how I feel about being treated that way and I insist because in that condition she's really a hard listener. Then usually she realize how futile it is to get overreacting for something, be it a small or big thing.

    Now she's more in control of her emotions, I'm more aware of my emotions. I must say I'm really happy to be with her now.
  2. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    yeah i also see your point.. its probably just me then -lol i always help them or comfort them when they're down... -innocent
    probably dont help,..when.... maybe its more of a ...girly problem -tongue2
  3. maybellina

    maybellina Well-Known Member

    I think the best thing to do is to push their buttons to see what's the maximum they can handle :) Just joking~

    I would suggest to let them express their anger while I keep myself quiet but if that doesn't work, then give them some time alone till things are calm. No need to argue back since the rage is taking over and probably make the situation worst. Reason with him/her after the storm :)
  4. liltigger23

    liltigger23 Well-Known Member

    hahahhah i actually do that too!!
    i figure i'll let them blow off steam..
    i actually hate confrontation so i never talk about it unless they bring it up..
    conclusion: im not good at dealing with short tempers --'

    i actually totally agree with you..
    i wouldnt want to be treated the way i normally deal with these matters.. hahhahahah --'
    i guess it's time to change
  5. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    yeahh *hi5* big changee! -clapclap
    i suggest you read my post^up there. post #39
  6. purplerose_04

    purplerose_04 Member

    yea, I have short temper too so it is best to leave them alone for a few minutes.. if they are like me then they will calm down once they have some air.... well i guess i can control my temper to a certain degree so i dun blow up at people faces ya know... but my temper is really short, i get pissed easily over little things.. well those who w/ short temper and dunno how to control them.. those are scary..
  7. cyndy123

    cyndy123 Well-Known Member

    Be reasonable with him/her and as you say it it is not worth to argue. Then you should keep you mouth shut before you make it worse.
  8. Hustler

    Hustler Well-Known Member

    It is really hard to deal with the short tempered girls.One of my friends is having a short tempered girl friend.She is really making his life hard.I am so blessed that I don't have such problem.
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    yet...cuz hey u never know who u might end with....
  10. vintage

    vintage Well-Known Member

    Short tempered ppl= Get rid of them, way too high maintenance. Plenty of fish in the sea.