should i get a cat

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, May 23, 2007.

  1. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    wait why is it cruel to declaw a cat

    i think that if you do it when it's older and knows that it's missing it's claws, that it's sad
    but if you do it when it's still a kitten and they dont know any better
    than there is no damagae to the cat
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Do u know the function of a cat's claws...?

    Your logic is like if u remove a baby's fingernails, he wun be sad coz he didn't know he had fingernails. Even though a cat's claws are much more useful than human's fingernails neway.
  3. lol what happend to that lil boy toy of yours?? you know the one with the brother n all... i'd imagine you guys would spend time each n everyday with one another considering how both of you went through such a harsh obstacle...
  4. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    oh that
    yea ~cough~
    we are hitting a VERY rough patch
    we are taking some time apart
    AND he's going back to HK for 3 1/2 month this summer, so in two weeks i wont see him until the end of sept

    one of my friends did point out something
    he IS a younging
    and what i want right now, is probably completely not right for him right now
  5. lol wtf... so the guy was from HK??

    hey are you sure you need a cat n not a dildo??
  6. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    yes i'm pretty sure
    and what's with the question about him being from HK?
  7. yea I'm sorry... that was a bit vulgar... not dildo... those are out... but vibrator... perhaps?

    umm nothing just surprised guy is from hk...
  8. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    Lmfao a vibrator.
    No cats.
    What you need instead of a cat is a room mate.
    Think about it companionship=people your age that actually talks back instead of a meow.
    You don't have to clean up after your room mate.
    You don't have to feed your room mate or bath it unless you want to.
    And cats are Evillllllllll. lol.
  9. you need to take care of your own kitty before getting an actual one..
  10. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    ^lmao. you jealous of that hk guy?
  11. well she said she was going to school wherever.. and met the guys brother there.. then met the guy... so you would think the guys from wherever he's living... but to think he's from hk and has a whole nutha lifestyle then that changes up the story a bit... wouldn't you think?

    or did you think I ment the guy.. when i said Kitty??
  12. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    ^I thought the first and not the latter and I don't think it's that weird.
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You should get a cat, don't declaw if you want to let it roam the street... The cat's world on the street is a cruel place. Although I personally kept my cat a house cat exclusively... So yeah...

    Oh yeah, and if you want to let it roam the streets, it would be best to have him/her castrate or spaded (not sure of that's the word) just because you don't want litters and litters of kittens every now and then ^^b
  14. in the words of Bob Barker... "Help control the pet population. Have your pets spay or neutered."

    -lol it's not ancient imperial times... castrated!! -rotfl
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ That's why I said I was not sure if that's the proper term... =_=b
  16. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    gett a dog =)
  17. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    29 rest my case
  18. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    take care of my own kitty first?.

    that will take some waiting for him to come back first
    can't i have a fill in real kitty during that time?
    this way i can have a kitty sleeping with me during the nights, and i'm not cheating on anyone
  19. lol Knoc help me out here... they're not gettin' what I mean by their kitty...
  20. don

    don ello

    lol what part of kitty do they not get -lol