The question you need to ask is if this guy actually does break up with the girl he is currently with, what will stop him from doing the same thing to you when another girl comes along.
Nah, don't do it You should have got with him when you had that chance lol there's a lot of guys out there anyway, don't have to stick to one
Forget about him and move on. Imagine someone did that too you. ditto like everyone else. If he can do it to her, he can do it to you. On top of that you are being a bit selfish. Not much...just a bit lol but that's perfectly normal, human nature right?
I don't think you should interfere with their relationship.You will regret it later on. I don't think he should be flirting with you either since he have a girlfriend.
don't interfere unless the guy wants to be with you more than his gf coz you'll prob end up getting hurt....
interfering with the relationship isn't probably the best thing to do. since you do really like him, one thing you can do is stay close with him and wait until their relationship ends especially since you stated that you told him you still liked him
i think you should not interfer if they have been together for a long time but, for me if it was a few days they been dating i would interfer.
Just continue to talk to him and be friends, see how far that would go...see if he is happy with his currrent gf and wait until they break up i guess,
eh....i think its jsut the timing between you guys are not right, why should u interfer since he already have a girl, i am sure u will find someone else, u dont wnat to feel bad for the rest of the time, if he can ditch that girl becasuse of u, it could be possible for him to ditch you for another girl. I think karma is a big thing in a relationship. I think u have to really think twice before u make that decision, and really think if its worth it.
lol that is exactlly what happen to me too. I don know what to do. I just moved on because I believe she would talk to me again later on
Well, this all depends if he makes you happy and happy with the arrangements then go ahead! As long as you don't let his gf find out. Anyway you may find someone single but he may treat you badly but that is your decision.
hes a playa girl get away. he playfully flirts with u when his girl isnt around that no good. if he really like his girl he wold not flirt with u. and hes playing with ur mind. stay away juss be friends
Maybe u can wait them naturally break up and console him that time and maybe he will fall in love with u?? just my opinion
Interfering would be unethical. Unless you feel this other girl is harmful to him in a serious manner.
lawl... i flirt around with other guys than my bf... but that doesnt make me thinking about breaking up with my bf for any of them... its just kinda way of living... just having fun... but in the end im always my bf's ^^