Should the Chinese forgive the Japanese?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by johnnyDANGerous, Jul 31, 2006.


Should the Chinese forgive the Japanese?

  1. Yes, let begones be begones. We need to forget and move on.

    80 vote(s)
  2. Absolutely not. What they did was terrible and do not deserve forgiveness.

    80 vote(s)
  3. No comment regarding this issue.

    34 vote(s)
  1. simOOn

    simOOn Banned

    ^ lol. agree. sh*t happens in this world, cuz everything is just so F'ed up. since its already the past and it has nothing to do with our generation...lets just move on with life..
  2. how can this be forgiven when the japanese government can't even say sorry? More then 60 years have gone and i would think they would be a little educated about it and the current japanese government are still refusing to make an apology? japan should have no right to even try joining any form of international government until at least they can say they are sorry. (even america gave compensations, japan 0 not even sorry , loans are not compensation) The other thing about this incident is that most japanese people believe this was a very small incident, they do not realize how bad it was. ( 20-30 million chinese people died in china during the war just as bad as europe around 9 million were civilians just as bad as the jews)

    you have to understand the history to really know whats going on "HISTORY IS HISTORY LETS MOVE ON" is a statement ignorant people would make. They don't teach you the chinese / japanese side in history class but people should really learn it, espically if you happen to be chinese / japanese / korean
  3. Luuman

    Luuman Well-Known Member

    Formal apology would be nice but this is something that can't be just forgotten. Do you think people forget about the holocaust and this is worse nobody seems to know what is going on. Hopefully in the future movies can be made to show how serious it was.
  4. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    Japan is not our enemy.

    All the things that happened before is history. People should learn to forgive and not to hold grudge. Having hatred could make a person looks ugly and old faster. ( My opinion). Anyway, forgiving others is the way to go.;)
  5. Danny

    Danny Active Member

    Never forget the past! yes we can move on but never forget. Japan is trying to erase what they did in the past, that's just totally unacceptable.
  6. Sogaris

    Sogaris Well-Known Member

    We should just move on and don't waste any effort in hating
  7. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Fogiveness is a must
    However, what they are doing is completely wrong.
    1) Changing the history stating that Japanese did not even kill the people from China
    2) Not admitting their fault

    However, I luv their food >.<
  8. weesa

    weesa Member

    no i dont think so...cuz after i watched wut the japanese did to the chinese in the series war and destiny i felt sooryy for the chinese who died
  9. aiknee

    aiknee Member

    I feel that we should forgive but never forget. At the same time I feel that the japanese goverment should start listing the crimes as things that the goverment did in WWII. If the germnas have to list the atrocities then the Japanese should as well. At the same time I feel that us people as a species are blessed with the ability to fogive and we should use it. True things have happened in the past and this doen't diminish anything at all but, if we expect our children's chidren to have a stable world to live in we need to forgive in the good of unity.
  10. skysz86

    skysz86 Well-Known Member

    whats the point in not forgiving them. i mean china help north korea attack south korea. why hold a grudge for something that the last generation did. besides theres a lot of business to be done in japan. china needs friends to become richer and give its ppl a better life.
  11. quickninsane

    quickninsane Member

    The Japanese do not deserve forgiveness on this issue until we see a real formal apology. Although I don't hate the japanese as people, the ultra-conservatists are what we the Chinese should go after. They do not see Japanese aggression as a crime and model what their aggression was to American imperialism. Unless the Japanese as a whole gives their HEART-FELT condelences to both the Chinese and Koreans(dont forget them), we can never grant forgiveness.
  12. Panda

    Panda Well-Known Member

  13. asian-sensation

    asian-sensation Active Member

    Hell no. We'll never forgive them. But we'll live on with it.
  14. someguy

    someguy Active Member

    for people who say forgive them... I really don't understand you guys/girls cause even until this day chinese travel to japan, there's a 70% chance that you'll hate you cause it's what they've been told to do from a early age...

    simply they don't give a damn about china nor it's people, why should we care about them?
  15. inyoeyez

    inyoeyez Member

    i say yes. its not like the country did it. it was a few sick people that inflicted the pain
  16. woody2005

    woody2005 New Member

    fighting a war with another country is different than massacring their civilians in inhumane ways, raping the women, and doing biological tests on them

    we just hate the japanese DO NOT ADMIT the fact they did in china korea and other asian countries in WW2,
    the motherfucker japanese goverment even change their history book,if you talk to a japanese teen and mention about the ww2,he may know nothing what japanese really did,said the war is not a war,just" a visit to asian countries"WTF!!their minister is also visiting the War Criminal's Burial that hurts asian ppl deeply

    fock 台独份子
    fock 支持台独的美国鹰派
    and FOCK the focking 日本鬼子
  17. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    It's not about holding a grudge; it's about Japs not admitting they did something wrong. If they would just say sorry, I think the situation would be a lot better. It's because they are so stubborn and proud that they are causing themselves pain and world hatred.

    First of all, our issues with Korea is something separate from our issues with Japan. Different place, different time, different history.

    Second of all, from your logic, someone could come up to you, slap you in the face and say "I didn't slap you in the face, but I have something good I can sell you, wanna trade?" and you'd be OK with it???!!! You would undoubtedly want the person to admit that they wronged you, apologize to you, before you would even consider trading with them...

    So just because we weren't there means the Japs didn't do anything wrong? What if your ancestors and family were some of the victims during that time? What if it was your great grandmother who got raped and killed during the war? Would you say, it happened before your time so you'll just forget about it? The least the Japs can do is say sorry and admit they were wrong!

    And regarding the atomic bomb, that was their punishment for bombing Pearl Harbor. That was USA's response to what the Japs did to them. So I'm surprised there are people on this board who think it's acceptable that we don't even get an admission of wrong doing and a formal apology???!!! That's asking practically nothing compared to what we SHOULD do to their people.

    "A few sick people???" Do you know how large the Japanese forces were during WW2? It's practically every able bodied male in their country !!!! I would say that's more than just a "few sick people."
    #37 ribsandbbqbeef, Sep 12, 2006
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2006
  18. Zephyr

    Zephyr Member

    True basically time has changed all the faces of today, but the faces of today are trying to rewrite history. Just like those radicals who claim the holocaust never took place, they are trying to revamp history to make a brighter image. But in reality that is the wrong way to do it. Even America, now doing all these dumb actions lately, still don't try to erase what they did the in past, example Natives and Japanese camps.

    Forgive? Maybe, but first they should realize what they done and actually feel sorry. Erasing it doesn't make it right.
  19. brybie

    brybie Well-Known Member

    they should be forgiven.. after all its been years since it happened.. and not all japanese people took part in the cruel, disgusting war crimes.. forgiveness does not mean we forget what happened.. that is absolutely the wrong concept and practice.. we must remember for all those who suffered.. and all the loved ones that were lost in the tragedy.. but we should be the bigger man and forgive those who did wrong in the past..

    now.. regarding what they're doing with the history books.. thats unforgivable.. history should be left untouched.. to allow the future generations to learn from the mistakes of the previous and last generations.. what they're doing is irresponsible and despicable.. how dare they write off their disgraceful deeds.. it seems like they're not even ashamed and they definitely want to forget the evil they committed..

    sigh.. what can you do though.. people are such..... meh im going to kick the *#$%^& out of the next japanese guy i see.. jk.. lol.. im done.
  20. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    That's what many of us mean here. We may WANT to forgive them. But they don't give us a chance to because they WOULDN'T admit they're wrong. It would be a whole lot easier if they freggin just said simple, yet so stubborn. We should kick their ass just for being stupid...j/k =P