Should the Chinese forgive the Japanese?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by johnnyDANGerous, Jul 31, 2006.


Should the Chinese forgive the Japanese?

  1. Yes, let begones be begones. We need to forget and move on.

    80 vote(s)
  2. Absolutely not. What they did was terrible and do not deserve forgiveness.

    80 vote(s)
  3. No comment regarding this issue.

    34 vote(s)
  1. why punish the people of today what the ancestors of them did 60 years before?
    every country has done something unacceptable in the past.. even if its 10 years or 5000 years ago..

    why be angry at a whole group if maybe only a few persons are the bad guys... :p
  2. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member


    One way to think of it is this.

    If WWII is today, and the Japanese came and rape/kill/torture you, your Mom/sister/father/brother/relatives. Not only that, they force the women to be prostitues. And then they walked away as if nothing happen. This not only happen in China, but also to Korea, and some other places

    what would you think? What would you do? Would you forgive the Japanese?

    That is probably what your father sees.

    The difference with the Germans is that they got a taste of their own medicine in WWII. After the WWII, the Russians went into Berlin and started to rape all the women, young and old, whilest the men ran away to leave the women unprotected. At least, with Nanking, the Chinese stayed and Fought trying to protect the women, child. The unfortunate thing is that ppl remember the massacre and not the bravery of the men.

    The town of Petersburg (russia) has statues of the Russian Soldiers, but people that knows the history sometimes refer that as the tomb of unknown rapists.

    It is only in the 90s, I believe that this information came out. But the information is freely available in the net.

    To forgive or to forget,,,hard to say
  3. i think dropping 2 nukes on 2 major city's is hard enough.. especially if you think of the radiation that stayed there for many many years...

    its hard for the older people to forgive the japanes..
    but we are the younger generation.... it wasn't our war..
  4. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    The 2 nukes were to STOP the Japanese actions and it worked.

    How else can you stop the war? It was a REACTION to their actions.

    I have some next generation Japanese friends, but they are not the ones under scrutiny. The Japanese soldiers in WWII ARE. We are the next generation, however, I think : forgiving the Japanese soldiers: is like forgiving a mass murderer.

  5. you have to know that the 2 nukes america dropped killed over 200.000 people and big part of them were civilians... i am against what japanese did in WWII.. but what the USA did is as bad as what japanese did..
    and also the history of china aint as pretty either ;)

    maybe the japanese thought they were "doing the right thing" to end the war sooner.. big part of the soldiers/civillians dont even want war.. only a group of people of people wants the war and big part will be manipulated
  6. tomlau77

    tomlau77 Member

    What's the point? Both countries have comitted atrocities, and both will most likely not ever admit wrong. We are great peoples (both sides), but with that greatness comes stuborness expecially as a nation. so i say yes forgive even though it won't happen.

    as a side note, in response to the above quote, the US has not really admited wrong and we definitely have not learned to repair the wrongs committed against the First Nation peoples. the suicide rate is highest amongst native American teens. We still have professional sports teams that dehumanize them through their mascots.
  7. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    What the Japanese did was to attack the CIVILIANS/VILLAGERS that were defenseless. They forced the CIVILIANS women into to prostitution and those that did not, were killed. It WAS CIVILIANS that defended their villages with very little. not the military. The Japanese used unnecessary force against civilians to win the war.

    IF the nukes were not launched, the Japanese would have won the war and some of ur friends might not be born. It was the NECESSARY force to stop the war.

    Although I do not agree with any killings, the nukes and the people that were scarficed saved many others as well as the next generations of Chinese.

    And for those people;s family that got massacred, raped, tortured, forced into prostitution, and left with nothing; I do not see anyone forgiving the Japanese. U might be fortunate that none of your family were killed or tortured, so u can go around selling the : i'm a nice guy with forgiveness.

  8. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    I don;t think anyone can compare the Japanese massarce to what the Americans did. It was INTENTIONAL massarce. It is like comparing someone that was caught stealing versus that of MASS Murder of over 1oo people.

    The comparsions are of different scale.
  9. dolongdao

    dolongdao Member

    yes let bygones be bygones
  10. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    It is not just China, but also Korea, Brits, Dutch, that had went through the Japanese atrocities. Lives were scraficed so people can live without the Japanese rule. Yet, the descendents (next generation) are eager to say bygones, even though their parents have had lived through the hardships.

    It was their problems right? So we all can forget History, right?
  11. I agree with you. I think that they should at least make a formal apology to us. Even though the hatred is not that intense any more they should at least make an apology to what they did in the past.
  12. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    U forgot all those people that scarficed their lives so you, your parents can have life now. Imagine that the Japanese won, u might not be born, nor will your family be where they are now.
  13. Fayjai

    Fayjai Member

    everyone should be one is perfect
  14. it's funny you say that..
    since both side were doing things like raping civillians etc.
    its only cause some subject are sensitive so media doesnt tell them..
    you need to know both side story before you judge, since IF japan/germany maybe not much would have change like we do nowadays.. dont let media/movies manipulate you..
    since USA did raped civillians in WWII.. just you guys know i dont say what japan did was good.. but neither did the allies did good things in WWII, everyone makes mistakes
  15. sk8erjcx

    sk8erjcx Member

    No comment. The japanese had to go through the whole ordeal of the atomic bomb.
  16. saikira

    saikira Well-Known Member

    i picked da first one, everyone deserves forgiveness and it's already like 4 decades already?
  17. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    "Women of all ages (including children as young as seven and elderly women in their seventies) were violated, many of them being gangraped or attacked on multiple occasions. Some women were held captive so that the could be repeatedly abused. Rapes were committed in broad daylight, in front of spouses, children, or other family members, and with appalling frequency. The soldiers' usual practice, officially condoned by high-ranking officials so as to "avoid difficulties," was to murder the women when they were finished with them. This was most often done by cutting off their breasts and/or disemboweling them with a bayonet to the abdomen. Senior officers were not only aware of these acts, but participated in them as well.

    Particularly disturbing is that the Japanese perpetrators derived great pleasure from these heinous crimes, while their superiors condoned and even supported them. One outstandingly revolting account is of several soldiers who, after raping and killing a pregnant woman, presented her fetus on a bayonet to their commanding officer, who replied who replied with laughter. There were innumerable gruesome occurrences like this ..."

    "Sometimes, after storming into a house and encountering a whole family, the Japanese forced Chinese men to rape their own daughters, sons to rape their mothers, and brothers their sisters, while the rest of the family was made to watch."
    (The History

    I was very hesitant to make a post, when I saw this thread, because I didn't want my emotions to overwhelm me. I heard of this when I was younger, but I wasn't aware of the details. When I read this I couldn't help but to cry, how humans can treat each other this way.. All I want to say is that NO nation or country is perfect, it is impossible, because they are ruled and guided by imperfect humans..
    The issue is not about perfection or China not being able to forgive, because war happens and injustice sadly does occur, but to the degree of which it was manifested, I honestly do not think any forgiveness should be given or even is possible at this point, until Japan makes not only a formal, but a sincere apology. How can one forgive if the party in error has not even apologized and even more so, is willing to teach the later generations that the Rape of Nanking didn't even occur and is just some fabrication? For a country that prides themselves on being honourable, the omission of this massacre is unacceptable and heartless to those who have suffered from it. It is like grinding salt into the fresh wounds of those that lost loved ones in that event.
    For anyone that has a true grasp of time, 60 years ago is not that long ago, my mother is almost 60 years old. I guess what I truly want to express is that, how can true healing proceed if the incident is ignored just because some time has passed? Just as with a physical flesh wound, it will not get better if ignored, it must be cleansed and addressed appropriately or infection will set in and the situation will worsen. Has that not happened in this case?.. I do not for one minute believe in retaliation, because the later generation of Japanese had nothing to do with what happened. It would be unfair to them to pay for what happened before their time, not only that, but retaliation can never bring back the lives that were brutally taken away.. I believe that not only a formal apology, but some sort of tangible memento symbolizing this apology and the hopes for better relation with China should be given from Japan. I don't know if that would help the situation, but it might be a good start..

    Sorry for the long post, I just had to say abit of what was on my mind..
  18. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    I think you should get your history straight. The Chinese didn't rape the Japanese. The Japanese raped Koreans, Chinese. Dutch, etc.

    Also, the Japanese were in China (Nanking), and not in Japan. What were the Japanese doing in China?

    There is no manupulate, what the movies did was to manupulate u.

    It is most likely that you are Japanese and the descendents of mass murders. Either that, u are "Hey C Mit Joe"type.
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    And I'll say this again, the number of people killed by both US atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined is about 105,000. The number of Chinese reportedly killed by the Imperial Japanese Army is estimated by some to be about 300,000.

    Inotherwords, the US needs to drop four more atomic bombs on Japan just to break even. Please read up on your history before you make assumptions.

  20. AZN-511

    AZN-511 Well-Known Member

    there is a simple answer to this question, yes we should forgive and forget. I really don't see why we shouldn't, because the current generation of Japanese weren't the one during the tragedy. If you said don't forgive, then I guess we should still blame Germeny for Hitler's actions during world war II shouldn't we?