Sick :(

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by smallrinilady, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    awwwww dann, ur sick too? i'm sorry. i hope u a speeeeeedy recovery!!!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    sniff sniff sniff
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Poor thing, rest up during the weekend and keep hydrated!
  4. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    drink a bottle of gatorade to get hydrated -whistle
  5. lol thanks.. im well today

    hope srl is feeling better too
  6. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    how does gatorade better than water besides being flavored?
  7. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    i think i'm sick too.
  8. Join the club ><"
    Hate bein ill cos i take forever to recover -cry2
  9. i got sick alot in the last 5 months... but recently got a flu shot(it last 10 years) ..thank god i got it... the weather here is freezing!!. ya being sick suckssssss....hate the feeling.
  10. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    last for 10 years?
    where did you hear that
    you should get a flu shot every year
    because new strains of viruses come out everyyear
    so the contents on a flu shot are different every year