Hahaha whoever believes you must be an ignoramus. *LoO4la shows battle scars from battling with Peachy* You are no angel! -cry2
-ohmy Everyone knows that you inflicted those injuries onto yourself. I can't believe the level you would stoop to just to frame another. Your evilness is comparable to that of Knoc's! :(
I don't know what you are talking about -whistle Every mark on my body is from those who've broken my heart from lying :(
Then it isn't me!!! I haven't lied at all. See, there you go, trying to frame me again when the evidence against me are nil. -cool
I don't think there is a 100% sure fire way to know if a girl is really interested in you or not. Some girls are just natural flirts, some are too nice for their own good, some just love to tease guys for fun, blah blah. Women are hard to understand. -confused Only way to know for sure is when they tell you, or if they get someone else to tell you. -flow However, take my info lightly, I'm not exactly the best or most experienced person to ask with regards to relationships. -lol -tongue2
just grab her n smooch her... if she kisses u back she likes u... if she kicks ur balls u know not to do it again... simple...
maybe the girl liks u that y she kicks ur balls then later she goes to ur house and see how u're feeling and help "massage" it lol
ahahaha.. .... thats just funny. .. sorry.. If she's goona do that.. why doesn't she just be straight forward.. why put the guy through pain first?
kdotc... you should be a writer haha...your imaginations are running too wild.. or have you actually experienced it yourself???