Just a tribute to 曾SIR From atv site http://www.hkatvnews.com/v5/news.php?id=153291&d=2011-09-17&cn=0 2011-09-17 過去數十年在電視台及電台教授市民家居常識,人稱「曾SIR」的曾近榮病逝,享年八十六歲。 曾近榮早前不適入院,留醫後不治病逝,享年八十六歲,他的家人發表聲明,對「曾SIR」的離世深感悲痛,並遵照他的遺願身後事會低調處理。 「曾SIR」一九六四年開始在電視台講授家居常識,之後為市民熟悉,「曾SIR」亦參與電視及電影演出。
wow RIP, at first i didnt know who he was until i looked for pictures, he was in most of Stephen Chow's early movies
ohh... i saw some comments on weibo.. but wasn't sure who he was. haha. yeahh.,, he's in older TVB series. RIP
he played alot of dad roles in early 80's TVB ... in films i remember him playing a cop alot usually the department head -lol