i listen to HKpop, so thats cantonese ^^ i also listen to Taiwanese music hardly English unless the music is my type, i enjoy listening to Teddy Geiger's music (meeting him soon)
chinese is my primary music...both canto and mando....and some english when i am in the car...power station, 102.7 lolzzzzzzzz
I like Chinese songs in both Mandarin and Cantonese. I never really like English songs coz I've always thought that they have the same content. Been enjoying Japanese songs lately even though I don't understand most of the lyrics.
Japanese, Cantonese and English. All of the music type I listen to usually be pop, hip-hop, indie, rock & a bit metal.
I use to listen to english music about the same as chinese, but I was more up to date with the current music. Now, I am more up to date with chinese (mandarin and cantonese) more so than english, but I'm, assuming it's because I'm getting back to my roots. The whole newfound thing with the internet and all. Chinese music is just better.