Or if you are really want one now, you can go buy in HK for 3780 HKD. You will get the 60 GB version!!!
I guess Sony really needs to try harder... And Atari is not pitting in to make more games for PS3 but instead investing in Wii games development. Guess we'll see more Wii games in a year's time (quality unknown though).
Sony has no one to blame but themselves ... overpriced, limited qty, less fun than wii, no game for the ps3 console.
lol apparently there are rumours of a new sony PS3 with a 200 gig HD in the works... what do u bet that will be priced at 800 dollars +
@ab289: limited quantity?? I have yet to come across a store that have PS3 sold out during my Wii mote/nunchunk hunt... I guess it depends on where you are.
The overpricing is part of the Sony strategy. When the PS2 came out, the price was also that high. But in that time everybody still bought it. Some to play games, some to have a cheap DVD player. Sony thinks that the situation has not changed, but how wrong they are. There are just too much alternatives at the moment then at the lunch of PS2. The limited quantities is due to production problems. Every manufacturer can run into these problems. But overtime they are solved and the yield is better
Square-Enix just recently mentioned that FFXIII will not be exclusively PS3, so that's probably big blow to Sony which probably helped influence this new decision. http://www.ps3center.net/story-394.html
damn I saw the trailer for FFXIII those graphics is crazy... if it comes out for Xbox.. lotta people will prolly get that instead consider how much cheaper the xbox360 is... there's no point in reducing the price for ps3 considering how many games they have... like what 3-4 games that are good?? n they need to lower the price on the games aswell... 60 dollars a pop is just way too much...
3-4 games? You mean there's more than 3-4 games out for the PS3? First off, Sony just needs to get more games out for the PS3, otherwise people are just gonna buy the PS3 because it's the cheapest Blu-Ray player, not to play games on it.
lol hell yea... that's what I saying... I don't mean theres. 3-4 games out... i mean there's only a few that are worth playing??
good games comin up = ratchet and clank burnout 5 Killzone 2 FF XIII GTA 4 GT 5 Socom Navy Seals (w/e the ps3 version is gonna be called) Tekken 6
I was cracking a joking, indicating that PS3 still has a lack of games, I think we all know there are more than 3-4 games on that system. Could I list 3 to 4 games on the PS3 from memory? Nope. Burnout 5, FF XIII, and GTA 4 are not exclusively PS3 games. So XBox 360 still has share from these 3.
when you think about something like FFXIII though, there is no way they will be able to do a straight port onto the Xbox360, cuz they are optimizing the game for playstation and building the game on a Blue-ray disc which is like 10 times larger than Xbox DVD's... even if they were to port it to the Xbox it would be nowhere near the game you would be getting on PS3. oh and i forgot Devil May Cry 4