i think most asian parents WOULD have a problem? why would u had one when you're the oldest but your sister not? weird. how about i just keep a knife handy :laugh: he doesn't like crowded places XD what if he makes a move hmmm...-unsure
awww kay is on the first step to gettin laid, bring condoms and get birth control pills ready. Protection first okie.
well are you the only child? usually parents are always strict on the eldest because they have never been through the whole "what is going to happen" "is she going to be safe" "no you can't because you are not allowed" phase. i mean always get that and when it comes to my sisters turn, they are more lenient with things
alright........>.< thanks for the heads up. i know enough about protection XD yeah only child. right i get what you're saying, wouldn't that make you feel it sucks? XD lol THANKS!! i'll make sure that won't happen XD
Oh shit. Typo. LOL. Hopefully something like editson or mavis DOESN"t happen to you. My fingers performs faster than my brain. Really sorry 'bout that.
Yes, the study shows guys think about sex every 12 minutes. Women think about sex every 3. Bring a condom. In the heat of the moment, whose to say no or yes. If the feeling is right, then go for it. In that moment, you'll know what's the right thing to do.
Are you sure those statistics are correct? I'm pretty sure the only thing that women think about every 3 minutes is shopping... :Talktohand:
of course it did sucked in the teenage years, a lot more worse too! but they tend to get used to it. if they are usually relaxed about the things that you do anyway, sleeping round a boys house shouldn't be too bad. Actually will need to know thy age in order to determine how relaxed your parents might be? LOLOLOLOL WRONG!