In like 5 seconds, "Laughing" grew a boatload of hair. Spoiler: Picture Instead of complaints, TVB will receive a lot of calls from people with hair loss asking for Laughing's formula.
:( :( OMG! I just can't believe Madam Jo died?!?! I soo did NOT expect that to happen!! The most touching scene was when lat geung died and he said those things before he died also when laughing we not letting go of Madam Jo! Soo sad!! I was expecting the police to like catch her from the bottom or something!! lol. I was also shouting at the TV for gung sir to hurry up and help laughing!!! omg - why did she have to die!! Also pfft! Paris didn't die?! OMG! I actually thought bai co would kill her! But seems like he really did love her alot! But one thing... what;'s with the ending.. whose that guy who walked past laughing in jail?? hhmmmm... I guess this will lead to the movie - laughing gor! But what a great 2 episodes finale! Very suspense and exciting!!
Whey do they have to kill her off again...shits The height wasn't that bad, she shouldn't had died from that little fall.
I thought the crates would break her fall a little too. Anyways. It was good. I do also expect that everyone whose here is prepared for spoiler.. since thread has spoiler.. Soo... Kate didn't die. . Rather want Fala to survive and other way around. Actions scenes were good too. Love the Lap Ching part.. sooo jokes. Edit: Oh waitt. Since u guys said the end might be 3 Gor. I remember how in EU.. 3 Gor went to jail. So they might meet each other again. The end kinda makes it seem likes its... "Academy => On The First Beat/Turning Point => EU => Lives of Omission => New Laughing Gor movie.."
Oh wow, thought they would at least take a few years off laughing sir's punishement maybe 20 years ahaha?? good ending but just pretty sad, to many deaths and departures :(
madam jo dies but paris lives. -cry2 that's such a load of crap... a fantastic 2 chapter finale and this somewhat helped the series redeem itself for its previous shortcomings. i really want to know who that person was that visited laughing in his prison cell. the suspense is killing me. also, ether union has 6 members, but we only saw 5 get arrested/killed today. what ever happened to matthew ko (tomson?) and his character? what about git sieu's twin brother? i need more lives of omission!!
^ Yea. It was good to see one of the Twin back. But also wanted to know what happened to the other twin. Did he actually got a new identity and start all over? Maybe. I think maybe an alternate will be aired though.. if they wanna bring the cast back to the movie. It was also nice to see the coin flip again.
The film is called: Laughing Gor之潜罪犯 (temp name) Laughing and Madam Jo: [video=youtube;cWRRlHvw3h8][/video]
definitely nice to see the coin flip and the way laughing carried that out was just awesome. i too hope for an alternate (and happier) ending, but i doubt it'll happen.
They did alternate ending for D.I.E. to bring D.I.E. II back.. so why not?! I thought they filmed several endings too.. but i guess this ending was really how it was in the reports. So i hope too see another ending though. The last scene leads well into the movie.. and its like a scene similar to Last One Standing. Makes you think there will be a sequel to it some sort.. and in this case.. we do got a sequel for sure.
Sorry I wasn't being clear. By picture, I meant the picture of a member of the Ether Union in the newpapers near the end of the final episode. But after rewatching it, the guy staring at him seems bigger possibly. It could be the boss he betrayed in the first episode. I feel it's not over yet. Pretty sad how everything went down though.
you guys ghey! anyways yea finally over ending was actually decent with laughing gor turning into someone like wong yat wah in gun metal grey. Already got spoiled (AGAIN) by rth bitch in the other thread on madam jo's death so no surprise there (what a a guy eh piece of work he is). Lol it would've been better if paris really died i thought she did. Bai Co's gay leng died so sudden it seemed rushed like kam kong's character in EU lol. But ending wasn't bad at all for a series that got pretty dull! Up .5 from my previous rating on this series overall!
didnt they mention that Bosco is gonna be in the movie? IF they did, i think the guy in the ending is bosco.
You knew that since a week ago. Were you satisfied with Paris living and not Fala?! Im not. Its rather they both live or both die!