For those that watched the preview of ep 15 Spoiler: Spoiler LAT GUEN(not sure who to spell it) GOR is also gonna get removed from UC??? next episode seems to good!
I think most people expected Laughing to go UC in this series, so there was no need to hide anything. Like you people didn't see that coming?
There was a scene when they were friends again.. & Bosco tries to pull out a gun. Thats where the trailer ends off.. so maybe they will meet in jail.
It was in the trailer that TVB put out on their youtube channel before the drama aired.. or it should be
How come this trailer is very different to the actual show? Spoiler: Possible Spoiler [video=youtube;-vrg0xBEdb0][/video]
^ That wasn't even how bai co got bai in the drama. But characters are the same.. but storyline is complete different. interesting though maybe itll connect
Watching the trailer again I think this is how it will unfold: Spoiler: Possible Spoiler 1) Laughing meets Bosco in jail 2) Laughing works his way up (taking Ginger down) 3) Laughing & Bosco becomes brothers 4) Bosco finds out Laughing is UC and kills Fala (as hostage) 5) Paris somehow betrays Bosco in there somehere
Actually, when you refer to twins, the older sibling is actually the younger one. When the two babies develop in the mother's womb, the older one develops onthe upper portion while the younger one is at the bottom position. When the mother gives birth, the baby in the lower position leaves the uterus first and is considered the "older" sibling, because he/she came to this world first. In reality, it's the other way around.
hey hey hey, i for one enjoyed watching laughing sir just as much as laughing gor. sure laughing gor is more comical, but to me, both are just as interesting. i really would have loved to see how this drama would have finished if laughing sir kept his identity as a policeman throughout the series. two very unique personalities (laughing sir and laughing gor) and either way, i'm sure lives of omission would have ended on a high note no matter which route they chose to explore (though i still wish tvb could have somehow done both :()
I think this series wants to focus on Intelligence/Undercover as oppose to Police after Triad (like GMG), since ginger is turning away from police, they have to get someone good in there