Sriracha Lollipops Give You Hot, Hot Lips

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by Dav, May 4, 2012.

  1. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member


    We enjoy Sriracha in just about every form--in pho, dried, on infographics, as Etsy products. As our sister blog CIty of Ate has found, there are only a very few things that cock sauce does not go on.

    Candy is not one of those things.

    Introducing Sriracha lollipops, produced by Lollyphile. Sounds weird--and awesome. Ten bucks gets you a bag of four, and if you end up an addict (which is likely), you can get a case of 36 for $58. We dare you to make out with someone after you're done.

  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    give some head after this some burnt privates :trollface2:
  3. ^ of course that would be the first thing you think of
  4. Mr. Orait

    Mr. Orait Member

    So red,,who ever eat it,,they definitely look sexy..