Dan once posted a video about Google workers.. and the workers were like on vacation even though they're at work. Ahaha Sitting too long is sometimes a pain, but that goes with standing too long. Best is high chair. You're slightly standing and sitting.
^ Google company is pro like that, they have their own facilities. Best place to work, they have canteen all that too. Sheesh that monitor is a brick, prob 1998 style hah.
the standing desk looks pretty good, could probably fit a treadmill or those stepping things under the desk. too bad my local ikea doesn't have any :(
They want they're employees standing so when they lay them off it takes less time for them to get their ish and gooooooo.....LOL!!! *Sorry my sarcasm is rampant on certain topic* I cant help but think that eventually there will be no office buildings, no cubicles, not 'employee parking' folks will all be remote employees! its coming soon, its why sites like Witmart are gaining traction fast! People, especially us 'millenials', don't take being told whether to sit or stand and what time to be anywhere for how long very well... *KANYE SHRUG*
well i'm sure they got seats for when they get tired.. but yea.. these office chair selling companies are gonna have to sell chairs that go beyond standard height.. they make a ton of money selling office chairs.. no way are they going to let pple stand all the time.
love this chair. My former company has them, or something similar in the looks. It's just awesome. I heard it costs like crazy expensive!