Oh btw Ralph, does this apply to Acrylic based windows? <-- could possibly get your car windows customised though it could get scratched easily.
NAAHHHHH cant believe you just did that ....... the point of crashing would be taking them down with me ....... ............
Suicide killer! Life is precious, have you ever thought about the feelings of your surrounding people (family+friends). [enter as much elipses as you want]
Hmmm... I really don't know, but that's a great question. I suppose that acrylics and other polymers, being plastic and softer than glass (in varying degrees), is probably relatively more impact resistant, but nonetheless each has its own limitations. Acrylics will snap under stress, so while such a window may not shatter as dramatically as glass, they will still break and eventually fail. This was a problem with various military aircraft during WW2, where acrylic canopies would fail if struck by something at high speed. So my uneducated guess would be that yes, acrylics would be less likely to shatter but remains vulnerable to failure too. Further, if one examines the extreme end of transparent media the current thinking for penetration resistance is, that materials must to be used in combination such as that seen in the manufacture configuration of bullet proof glass. Under normal situations, these are several layers of both hard and soft materials layered together, where the denser glass resists penetration as the softer plastics resists shatter. But again, all materials have a threshold of eventual failure, so even bullet proof glass is not entirely bullet proof but only resistant. High target potential people (like government officials and drug dealers, LOL...) have been known to have bullet resistant windows installed into their customized vehicles. These features are only supposed to buy time for their precious cargo to effect escape, and were never designed as a cure all protective strategy. Thus, whatever kind of windows you have, IMHO, getting away quickly always remains the best option. Residential areas tend to make victims lower their guard. There is a mistaken belief in that we would somehow be safer if there are others around; as if the risk of easy discovery or the presence of witnesses would restrict the actions of a thief. However, given the numbers of daily illustrations given in the press or media about bold crimes occurrences "...that happened in broad daylight" (meaning for all the world to see), I would tend to think that such beliefs are, in reality, just a false sense of security. Granted, it's an uncomfortable feeling having to live our lives looking over our shoulder all the time. However, IMHO, it's better to be wary and safe than to be blindly oblivious and wind up being hurt or worse.
In red: Wow really! I thought the military or somewhat strong force people use it for 100% protection, then again, the acrylic stuck onto a surface is done by some chemical that create a bond to both surfaces (if it's acrylic and acrylic, then the bond mend together, glass uses silicone) <-- hope that make sense as I'm in a rush atm. In blue: Yes, they do, it's for protection eh, but it's kinda useless if they have the convertable cars or open top, JFK got assasinated because of that. ttyl, cya
i hate it when im at the bus stop with my music on loud and some person i dont know is talking to me and im totally oblivious to it till i catch a glimpse of their mouth moving.
Glad that you are now safe. I'm sorry it takes this type of situation to remind us all to be more cautious. Have you thought about reporting this? If this was planned, those guys may be out there looking for other victims.
lol i always tend to grasp the fact that the person always talk to me when i used to take the bus. but then most of the time are old ladies that are genuinely wanted to comment on the weather or why the heck the buses were late. when it comes to other people i tend to ignore it but that's because most ofthe time its the same stupid lesbien that keeps giving me creepy looks >.< Nah because: 1) Out of the 4 of them, 1 was the extreme one. The other guy who entered my car was acting plain stupid 2) It was obvious that they were drunk 3) If it was a pre-planned attack ALL 4 of them can easily grab me out of the car without any effort needed since the 2 guys were pretty built but the 3 of them was just laughing 4) Police wouldn't have been much help because they slack so much. I was once threatened at work and they didn't even bother coming round to see the situation till the next day let alone something like this had happened...
whoaa....mini_bb...so glad your okies...!!!... one time i stopped at a crossing near a school i had some ickle kiddies tryna open my car doors but when it was green i just put my foot down =.=" but lately their new craze is throwing stones >_< and and anddd all those people who say you should lock your doors... i know its safer and everything... but ive heard from some people that locking your car doors has it dangerous side as well.. like if your cars in a fire...youd panic tryna open your doors....and people wouldnt be able to rescue you without smashing the window...so i dunno....im kinda mixed about that...
Rescue access through a vehicle's window takes seconds. I live in NYC, and we always lock our doors. Again, a locked door doesn't stop an assailant, but buys you a little bit of extra time to act quickly and effect your escape. One the other hand, if a driver is dumb enough to sit there and try to figure out why someone he doesn't know is trying to open his car door, then even a locked door won't help. LOL... I remember once, having fallen asleep on a subway seat and suddenly waking (when the train lurched to a stop), only to immediately see some creepy middle aged guy standing directly in front of me, staring down at me with a look that men usually give topless dancers. I gave him one of those, "don't even think about it" looks in return and he quickly walked away. I wasn't absolutely sure, but I could have sworn that the son of bitch was playing with himself as he was looking down at me... Damn...
Wah thats so dangerous ; Thats why whenever I get left in the car alone I always lock the car just incase =/