air blocks are for scrubs and noob turtles! on a more serious note, i am unfortunately going to get this on the 360 and there are not a lot of good joysticks for that system. :( no ps3 ftl
still i reckon everyone either just chooses ryu ken or akuma and teh odd chun li ..o and sagat.... sighhh sagat
no... actually vega's pretty good, and blanka too... makes for an interesting match... i haven't really seen a character that's too overpowered... sure everyone's using Ryu and Ken cuz they're the safest choices to start with =/
mad catz are making joysticks for this on both 360 and ps3 using proper sanway arcade parts. prob is they cost $150 and they are limited edition.
normally i would go with hori... but mad catz are going all out with this one by using all sanway parts. hardcore players customise/mod their sticks to the same out of the box spec the mad catz will be.
the non-tournament ones are just like rebranded HRAP3 and EX sticks with a SF4 logo on it. and i think you can toggle english/japanese vocals.
not gonna lie, dan hibiki has the best combat stance in the ENTIRE game and his teeth shines from a pose at the end of the ultra lol
reminds me of the Halo collectors edition helmet, was all the rage but nobody could care less about it now, imo just buy the game, the DVD is gona be up for download in a few days and the figurines etc is just a little gimmick/novelty that will soon be forgotten and wont be worth anythng. i MAY have to buy this game but i aint playing it with a 360 pad cus thats dumb, ill need to get a stick
tournament stick quality are really good....but so expensive...u might as well go for the non tourny stick or the cheaper ones lol. I'm gonna get the usb stick..since I'm getting it for PC....nd also save money....the ubs stick cost 45 AUD
^ ohh, ill get it for the pc then cus i play my console games with my pc monitor anyway, BUT is it online? link the stick hmm i THINK the pc aint got online mode like the rest BUT it seems like online may be a lag fest anyway
there's online for PC...that actually sparked a debate on whether to put ggpo's online play slow down code...but the jap side didn't want that... Stick: Even though it's cheap, could be a bit crappy, but you can mod it. PC version of the game: Still considering if I should get it there? But its hard to find a PC compatible stick in AUS...especially cheap ones... I would get the 360 sticks (which i assume is PC compatible) just for this, but man it cost a lot...AU$150+(non tournament version, just imagine the cost of tournament one...) and pads are like AU$70+ and which are worst than sticks if you're playing this...