Stupid Laws

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by AC0110, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. kiba92

    kiba92 Member

    Wow, Burma is not allow internet access. Geez, can you ever imagine yourself w/out the internet.
  2. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    these stuff are all absurd
    cant even imagine that such thing exist
    so stupid
    where did u get them
    quite kool i know a lebanese friend i shoul ask him is
    #93 is true or not
  3. monmon22

    monmon22 Member

    it's kinda funny. In oregon, it's illegal if more than 5 unrelated women live in the same house (they use to call it a whorehouse).
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^But how related is related? My cousin's other cousin counts as unrelated?
  5. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ hiake.. I prefer your previous avatar. Its cool. :)

    actually.. I find the underage law quite dumb. You can have sex after 16, but not watch it before 21.. exact figure varies.. but you get the drift..
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^I know it's going to be a boom, this one. But I just ADORE Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting... Meh, will change into something else later tonight after my very well-dreaded exam tonight.

    On Topic> I gues it has something to do with them being SEXUALLY ACTIVE at an average age of 14.9... (real figure, it's from a study comparing the impact of different sex education policies: abstainence vs. birth control/condom). Plus, the sex with underage law is kind of loopy in many places: if the 2 person having sex is less than 3 years apart (I think), and the younger one older than 11 years old (or was it 12? something REALLY young anyways), then it cannot be charged with underage sex or something...
  7. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    lol.. having exam tonite? what are you still doing here?

    O.. n I think most laws are loppy anyway.. if only Ive a guide book to all those loop holes
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    That's true. Just wait until we find all the loopholes and publish a book on them.

    It's called procrastination btw, if I just go on studying right now I wont' have any energy left for my nighty night exam +_+x
  9. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    lol.. procrastination seems to plague all PA addicts.. im guilty.. is there a law for that? haha
  10. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    procrastination plagues every1 who knows how to use the net =P
    i beter sleep too ><
    got group interview tmr
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Hee we are do procrastiinate, so no worries~ And best luck to interview (you interviewee?)~

    On topic: I think the unspoken law of NOT asking your interviewer what are your odds is inhumane.
  12. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

  13. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

  14. Kooslee

    Kooslee Well-Known Member

    With these laws, America seems to take a step back in our amazing civilization.
  15. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    i stopped after the first two. ah well, seeing as (at a brief glance) most of the silly laws are from America, that tells you a lot.
  16. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    yup only america where we can have the weirdest laws and yet nobody do anything about them
  17. misenlai

    misenlai Well-Known Member

    3)In Logan County, Colorado, USA, it is still illegal to kiss a woman while she is asleep.

    lol wtf is messed up..