Sucks to be Asian in America

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by KT, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    not just that but asians are clever in the fact that they don't want to embarass themselves if they can't sing lol. there are some pretty awful singers who audition for x-factor.
  2. for the most part we really don't get seen in the entertainment world unless it martial arts and even if an asian american were to sing it mostly directed towards their asian ethnicity... like Janice... she is totally not born in China but she learned chinese and sang in chinese, it's just not many people would follow an english singing asian person, unless its Jin and he rapped and still he didn't get that much publicity....

    w/e don't worry Katie haha i'll make it big XD
  3. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    most chinese who wants 'fame' in the entertainment industry probably went back to their homeland anyway, look how many non-local HK ppl go bak to hk- just cause it's easier to break through, if you've got the looks then you're gona be famous LOL
  4. Yes they are called racists, we even have a few on PA

    NO I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! you say they pick on asians but NOT you, are you ashamed to say you get picked on? i would call this statement racist too as its a load of crap.

    Another false general statement, let me guess.,.... they love you right?

    Asia last time i checked, and there is more asian actors than western actors.

    CORRECT me if im wrong, but didn't Oprah (one of those black people who hate asians according to you) have her back and bring her on one of her shows? , i would say she is way more well known then she ever could have been now.

    over the top, deluded, a little nutty, a bit fruity, you catch my drift?. This is what i say to EVERYONE, if you got a problem in the country you are in then leave.

    Another person with a chip on their shoulders.
  5. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    ^ If I got a problem with a country I live in I'd try to change it. Running away wont solve anything, besides the Earth was built for all men and if they wanna exclude me from somewhere then they'll have a battle on their hands muhahahhaa
  6. Ginkaku

    Ginkaku Member

    Never really thought about it up until this point... Haha, but then again, I live in Canada and there doesn't seem like everyone's negative towards asians. Apparently my old English teacher was... But I never really got a good mark in English to begin with. :(
  7. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    wow, another heated thread!

    well, in lx's defence she was making a broad generalization. there are definitely areas that are worse than others. the metro cities i'm sure would see less of the problem compared to the more rural areas. racism happens everywhere no matter where you live. to some degree everyone is racist and stereo types. it's unavoidable and inevitable as that is human nature.
  8. Then that becomes a case of putting up or shutting up, if your gona do something then do it, if your gona rant and rave while being pretty racist yourself then shut the heck up and keep your crap to yourself!!! :mad:

    Thats what im trying to put across to Mrs OP. -woot2
  9. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    o wow, i remember reading this awhile ago. i didn't notice it was from KT tho. haha.. sucha whineR... jk.
    I don't think asians have it all that bad. i actually consider asians a minority too. it's just white vs. rest to me.

    It isn't surprising to see asians not doing pro sports because it's harder to compete with bigger guys and asians are usually smaller.

    Hmm if I were to hire someone, I would hire asian or white folks vs. black and latinos.
    so it's only fair if they get to pick on you a bit hahah... jk So who is picking on you? Have someone kick their ass.

    I work in Oakland, that is black and latino town. As ghetto as it gets. I don't have any problems with anyone. I work with a bunch of black folks... and they are all professionals. I think you mainly get picked on in middle school or high school.

    I think us asians have it easy =) we're smarter than everyone else, we obviously dance better! and our parents don't kick us out when we're 18, (haha that's a bad thing too) and we have the best looking girls! =)
  10. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    eh, dude where the hell are you living? in the mid west? yea they are a bunch of rasict, but if you live on teh coast where there are tons of asians, you dont get any probs
  11. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    ^i know ... visit San Francisco. get out of the well. the world isn't all bad.
  12. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    whoa dude, slow down girl. Take it easy, it's like you live in white people land. Don't you have any asian friends? And you DO.

    God, it's like you're trapped in some kind of jail country, but the US, can't be that bad because I've been places round the states, and I haven't been treated badly. And I've been around the block, and the only places that I haven't been are the mid-west.

    If you really think life is that bad, then MOVE, yo! Get moving to San Fran, or NYC, or any other asian city in the US. OR come to Canada. Katie, we're awesome up here. werd.
  13. dmogg29

    dmogg29 Active Member

    Not really... I think you are may be exaggerating a bit. I have no problems here, I see your point but it's best to ignore it unless it's like directly involving you.
  14. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........


    not really rascist there in mid-west. .....well, not where i live at (arizona).......

    but anyways, no, it doesnt suk to be asian in wherever u live at. We're the best. The others look down on us because they're jealous. We ARE the majority in the world. We got stuffs they will never get (too many to name them). I remember back in NY, blacks/hispanics used to fuk wit me and my boys (they are vietnamese, filipino, japanese, chinese, etc, etc) because they have a bigger group than us. They fuk wit us alot but they didnt have the balls to do anything. They're all talk. They just kept yapping away wit their mouths, but they didnt do shit. Im like "if u got beef, just bring it, stop talking and do wat a man gotta do". And there's this nigga trying to act tough and he's like "aiight, u got balls". and they left. Honestly, i was frightened too, because they got more pplz fuking wit us than we do.

    i meant, if u find a single black/white/hispanic around, they wont do shit. But when they get together like 20 times more pplz that u do, then that's when u kno it's a wrap for u. tat's how they roll.

    I respect other people regardless of their nationalitles. But if i find one dude fuking wit me jsut cause im alone and im asian, even tho im not as tough as them, ill take at least 1 down wit me. Back then, i dont fight because im pure hearted. But now, im sick and tired of all these bullying asians or stereotypical shit. Ill do watever i can to do justice for us asian. (not politically, but physically).
  15. Espresso Bunny

    Espresso Bunny Well-Known Member

    Too much to read.

    Asians are the next blacks if you haven't already noticed.

    Ninjas be up on top, and when Obama wins, then.................... sayo la la
  16. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    there's no need to use the word n*****. but ye black ppl do like to talk an awful lot about what they are gonna do.
  17. Hustler

    Hustler Well-Known Member

    Good and bad peoples are every where , not only in USA. Because I have a friend name Jassy live in USA, And she told me that the media, and some stupid peoples make down the asian image but its not true that all of them are same.. My father talk about french peoples like they are proudy is it true ? Same answer good and bad peoples every where.One thing more, I have no idea but for a higher Job they prefer black or others peoples more than asianas.
    #37 Hustler, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  18. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    it does depend on where u live and the individuals themselves. though i would avoid living in texas.
  19. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    no... Texas is a pretty ok place... Yao is China's ambassador to Texas afterall haha :yes:
  20. AsianInvasion

    AsianInvasion Well-Known Member

    I grew up in San Fransisco, which is a pretty mixed community. So I grew up with White, Black, Mexican, and of course Asian (the majority was asian xD..) friends. I experienced my first "racists" in middle school, when a group of black kids went up to me and started calling me Chinaman and "slant eyes." It was the first time this every happened to me and I didn't know what to do. I got into a fight with one of them later on in the year >_>.... Noone really got beat up but they stopped messing with me. During highschool, there was a this black guy that would constantly make fun of how small my eyes were and call me chinaman yet again *sigh. Then one day I was partnered up with him in English. He didn't feel good so I gave him like my water n stuff cause Im such a nice guy :angel: and we became friends. Well in conclusion, its true, asians have it hard. But everyone is a little racist. Im racist in the sense that asian girls are the finest, and black girls dont turn me on at all.. xD..

    Yes some people are racist, but its just the way they are brought up. When people are ignorant of other's, thats when racism starts. Not everyone in the world is like this so cheer up ^^.