haha so true, so true... =) i think you guys need to read her ESSAY, it's somewhat worth it if you want to give your opinion or flame... before she gets even more upset repeating herself. any updates mui?
i dont think he should be with ANY girl....... fuck this guys has domestic violence/abuse written all over his head
NopeZ that guy she knew from her cousin but apparently this boy likes my friend.... Thats probably true -lol Havent written so muchie in ages ><" Probs more than my essays i had to to :nuts: No update atm... She went home last nyt and im guessin it was kinda crazieee cos she txt me late sayin that she hasent had 2secs to herself... But shes out of the country now ^^ And yeh... repeatin myself is makin me -madsign1
but still its gd play, as there is no way for him to get to her and by the time she comes back, things would have hopefully blown over. now u just have to be careful urself incase he tries to go and attack u to get answers to where she is and he prob won't believe u when u say that shes abroad.
ye exactly, though do make sure its him if ur gonna use the weapon, don't want to hurt innocent ppl now as evil as u are lol. maybe get one of those rape alarms, those are quite loud, should grab attention.
Haha, good game man. She is out of the country. Now, he got nothing to do. But he might just hurt himself more.
obviously i don't know them as well as you do... and i apologize for the name calling or if i got on a nerve lol.. but it just made it easier for me to keep track of who i was talking about...and for the record of it.. i dont support nor do i encourage people to beat up their significant others... i was just merely trying to prove that emotions can take over a situation especially with some people... the reason why i was so blunt about the whole situation is cuz i've gone through it myself...well not directly but my best bud was exactly that way... on the brink of his break up with his ex...he did some pretty scary shit...and being an ass like i am... i took his ex's word over his only because my bud had a history of being emotional...but after the whole situation i heard both sides...and i mean everything seemed to be blown out of proportion..which is why its best to get both sides down... but yea...just get ur friend to leave him...i dont think it really matters if they've been together 2 months or 5 decades...iif he's beatign her and shes unhappy she should leave....she cant blame herself if he kills himself...its not like she was the one to pull the trigger, slit his throat or cheer him on...just walk away but to me, its obviously a cry for attention and a desperate attempt to force her to stay with him.. and if you SERIOUSLY think he's gonna kill himself... you can call ur local hospital's mental ward...or in ontario at least... theres the kids helpline; in sure they can give you some useful tips and numbers... and if the case is that serious...they force him into rehiab...and he'd be under surveillance until he gets better... in my friends case..he was put away for about 3 days...until he felt better then he relapsed and needed to go back to the hospital for another week.. the first time was okay cuz he was allowed visitors and stuff but the second time was more severe and he was locked up from the public and put on anti-depressants... and he's better now.. not sure if shes still under medication but watever he's on its working... ai i'll try to keep my next post short
Tell your friend to leave this guy for her safety. if the guy say im gonna kill myself. GOOD KILL YOURSELF F&$* LOSER. Hate ppls like that. Over something like this he wants to kill himself then he would have died 100s time over in life. Bloody Loser. damn woman basher. i would kick his ass. hate ppls like them dont respect woman.