Supreme Court Pick; How Come It's Never Asian?

Discussion in 'Current World News and Events' started by ralphrepo, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

  2. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    Because deep down they think we are fighting against the USA. the feud between China and US are going on for centuries. China would never put a white man in their judicial roles just like Biden would never let a Chinese person be in those important policies changing roles as well. No matter how free the country is to the eyes, there is always a hidden glass ceiling that is invisible or impermanence to some thinking it's not there but it's there.
  3. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, a couple of possibilities comes to mind:

    1) If you listen to President Biden, he said the nomination is to reflect the population of US. Which based on the census, African American make up of 12.1% of the population after Hispanic / Latino at 18.7% (represented by Justice Sotomayor). Of course, Asians are not the top 3. And considering conservative African American Justices (Justice Clarence Thomas) doesn't count in the current administration's eyes, not surprising that they are claiming they need African American woman. Besides, President Biden promised during the campaign trail - he's not going to risk losing African American votes, Democrats' core electorates.

    2) Most Asians vote Democrats, I mean, look where most Asian lives - perhaps, they are taking Asian votes and Asians in general for granted. Wasn't it Senator Mitt Romney that criticized non-whites as inferior during his Presidential campaign and when he got called out, he said he just meant Asians. Don't quote me on that - I think it was Mitt Romney, but, not sure. As if, it's okay to offend Asians. But, that shows, he or any other politicians do not care much about Asians.
    So, there's really no show-boating necessary if they think they already have the Asian votes in their pockets. It's possible, they really think Asians are so dumb that they can exclude Asians from ivy leagues and still get Asians' votes. And, most if not all, will walk all over / ignore Asians considering Asians do just make up the minority of the minorities group and they can afford to lose the votes. Even bolder if they are sure they have Asian votes in their pockets.

    This is the problem when an administration primarily based his / her nominations on skin color and gender instead of qualifications and merits. I mean the California colleges lawsuit by Asian parents is the similar example. This creates, and I agree with KilaKilaGirl, an invisible ceiling and if I may add, discrimination against Asians.
    Secondly, you'll always find someone that questions, why aren't any Native Americans or Pacific Islander in cabinet positions (example? Senator Mazzie Hirono), etc, etc?
    Thirdly, President Biden administration just planted in everyone's mind that the next Justice is perhaps not the best and constitutionally sound and she got there because of skin color and gender (affirmative action and political convenient nominee); even if the nominee is the most qualified person in the whole country. This is the worst thing he can do for the nominee, in my opinion; considering she had worked so hard to get to where she is and to be undermined and viewed differently by the public and have her credits and hard work diminished to right skin color and gender just like that.

    Just my 2 cents.
    #3 ab289, Jan 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    He could just as easily put an Indian woman and have it take care of all bases; she would appear black but actually be classified as Asian. There is no reason to assume that Asian means Chinese. It could just as easily be Korean, Japanese or Filipino. My point is, Asians need to assert themselves a lot more in the US. Like the recent antagonism against Awkwafina for her 'blacent' when no one dares to criticize black basketball players for their Chinese calligraphy tats.
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Politicians and media aren't going to pass Indian woman as fulfilling President Biden's promises.

    Do you think "Stop Asian Hate" that Californians' (and Daniel Wu) were calling for about a year ago were actually for Asians sake? It was politically convenient for the politicians and media to blame it on former President Trump for calling Covid-19, China Flu.
    As the truth becomes more apparent that it's African Americans that were and still are attacking old and young Asians, have you heard anything more in the media lately? Don't take my word for it - YT it and you'll find a lot of videos.
    Reminds me of 1992 LA riots - what does the case had to do with Asians besides that 1/12 juries is an Asian? Why was Korean town attacked, looted and burnt, until the Koreans unite and shoot back?

    The Asian "Reverends" like Al Sharptons / Jesse Jacksons doesn't exists.

    I had a discussion with a former African American coworker before - he thought Asians are too timid and general culture of letting things go as weak. The conversation arise after I was about to let go of exchanging a $5 < defective product. He was there and took over and got a refund even though it was more than 1 month.
    Culturally, Asians concentrate more on economics than social. We work hard towards economic goals and tend to ignore social injustices. In a dog-eat-dog melting pot of US, it's not surprising that Asians are viewed as weak, dispensable, easy target and can be ignored. A Caucasian American friend that's a cop even said that - Asians are targets by criminals because Asians are unlikely to 1) fight back, 2) own any weapon to fight back.
    (Hehe - I have a lot of former coworkers - I think coz I changed way too much jobs. Again, economic pursue - my time goes to the company that pays me most)

    I agree Asians need to asset themselves more but, accept it or not - Asians are dispensable in politicians and media's eyes.

    Edit: Had to add this video I saw sometime ago - I think she's pretty insightful for being a Canadian Asian-White. Start at 55 seconds if you want to skip her sponsors.
    #5 ab289, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
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  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    A little off-topic,

    But, if you are young Asian woman or have younger sister siblings , spouse or young daughters, nieces; please tell them to be situational aware. Stop looking at their phones or listen on their earphones - instead, pay attention to their surroundings. Arm them with pepper spray or some self defense tools. Get trained on how to use the defensive tools. Times are very different now ...

    NYPD reports incidents targeting Asians in NYC rose 361% from 2020 to 2021. Source.

    Another unfortunate young Asian woman victim.
    #6 ab289, Feb 15, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
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