keke. Sydney has highjacked this thread Perth is only really growing due to the mineral boom in the past 2 years. It's like one of australia's forgotten cities (apart from like Darwin and Hobart) Yea, rent is expensive. Good if you're an investor; bad if you're looking for a place to rent in Sydney.. look for something in the west or north.
LOL phil has gone into hiding =[ yeahh i like perth x] er no =.=go die LOL thats not true... their rent is high but thats because they have a higher income compared to melbourne.. their cost of living is more then melbourne... same with WA... a kilo of apple costs like $5+ ? or something but they have a high income... not reallly if u have a normal job u can still afford..
Depends what is "normal" .. For most uni students and grads.. It's expensive.. especially in this kind of economic climate.
how many of these melbourne against sydney arguments are there in pa? the second someone mentions australia is like the bell calling people to fight.
The fight begins when Phil refutes the fact that Sydney is better then Melbourne. Which is then the bell for everyone else to join in.
LOL and any person in melbourne who isnt mentally retarded will refute the fact that Sydney is better then Melbourne because its an OBVIOUS and TRUE FACT that Melbourne is better than Sydney ^_^
Meh, it probably started years ago .. and the media always portrays how one city is better then another.. so more propoganda etc. and then we catch on and believe it and whatnot.
HEY! multi quote finally works for me -noclue~ LOL, History lesson now huh? How Melb and Sydney were fighting for the capital city of aus?