
Discussion in 'Sports Chat' started by -Tisken-, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Stressedout

    Stressedout Active Member

    I use to play table tennis its a crazy fast sport......must have quick reflexes ! lol
  2. weiyiviet

    weiyiviet Member

    i learned how to play dis past summer at dis summer program....havent got to play since tho....its really fun...theres dis game, around the world, where u can have as many ppl play at da same time....dats good practice

    lol those videos are insane
  3. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    every once in a while but im not to good, but my friend is a really good player hes like one of those top rank guys xD
  4. des043

    des043 Member

    yeah i play table tennis too , i joined the table tennis team here at skool :p
  5. perplexed

    perplexed New Member

    for me playing table tennis is a good stress reliever, and i try to play as often as i can as long as i can find a partner:) other than that its me against the wall:)
  6. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Member

    I prefer ping pong b/c that makes more since LOL
  7. king_maul

    king_maul Member

    I have a "ping pong" table, but I don't log a lot of time on it. I usually will play when I have family over. Played quite a bit when I was in college but was never that good. Has anyone caught Balls of Fury; was it any good?
  8. kittychan123

    kittychan123 Member

    I think ping pong is so additive I really want to totally understand the game but it take quite alot of time practicing to get there.
  9. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    I use to play loads.... I was quite decent, but now... i'm like crap.
  10. Try playin it super trio style!!
    So hard but fun :xd:
  11. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    ^ how u play super trio style?
  12. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye super trio style, how does that work?

    last year i was playing table tennis as part of my games but this year i don't have games so i no longer can play. i find table tennis a fun sport to play and its something that us asians can be gd at as it doesn't require that much stamina, more skill and precision.
  13. OmgZ -shock
    U never seen it on Super Trio meR? :xd:

    Basically u choose a topic e.g. Fruit
    And u have to say a fruit each time u hit the ball and u cant repeat the same one
    Sooooooooooo fun :xd:
  14. actually bbes, back in vietnam, the way people train for ping pong is by hopping over some sort of bench in the middle, while playing. develops stamina for ping pong.

    and i think theres a bit of stamina involved, because after playing for 15 minutes intensively, i sweat like hell.
  15. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye there is stamina involved but its not dependent on stamina alone, it requires a lot of skill and precision as well as quick reaction compared to other sports.
  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i used to play with friends and family....but not anymore cos got no where to play it...
    we played it super trio style too..yay xD