that works, but what do you really get from doesnt tell you what program eac process is associated with..this does....
i use process explorer its pretty good and it can take over ctrl alt delete so when u hit it it pops up instead ~_^ lol
right on..i have a tons of them that i use...damn handy if you want detailed info and its all freeware too....
Sony Spyware Microsoft Targets Sony 'Spyware' Windows Antispyware will detect, remove Sony's controversial copy protection technology. Robert McMillan, IDG News Service Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Microsoft has joined a growing group of security software vendors who are treating Sony BMG Music Entertainment's controversial Extended Copy Protection (XCP) copy protection software as a threat. Microsoft has announced it will begin treating the software as spyware and offering users tools to remove it, just as a Princeton University computer science researcher raised questions about a second Sony copy protection product. "We have analyzed this software, and have determined that in order to help protect our customers we will add a detection and removal signature for the rootkit component of the XCP software to the Windows AntiSpyware beta," wrote Jason Garms, group program manager for Microsoft's Anti-Malware Technology Team, in a Web log posting over the weekend. Copy Controls Derided Sony had come under heavy fire for using so-called "rootkit" cloaking techniques--normally associated with hackers--to make it nearly impossible to detect the XCP software. After nearly two weeks of consumer backlash, however, Sony announced last week that it would temporarily suspend production of XCP-enabled CDs. In an upcoming weekly software update, Microsoft will add the new electronic signature so that Windows AntiSpyware can spot and automatically remove the software, Garms wrote. Windows AntiSpyware is a beta product that Microsoft eventually plans to rename Windows Defender. Microsoft will also include the XCP signature in the next update to its Malicious Software Removal tool, and with its Web-based security service called Windows Live Safety Center, according to Garms. Microsoft joins security vendors like CA and Symantec in identifying XCP as a possible security threat. Computer experts had worried that hackers might use XCP's cloaking capabilities to hide malicious software of their own, and last week the first few examples of such programs began surfacing. Effectiveness Questioned Meanwhile, a Princeton University computer scientist has posted an analysis of a second copy protection product used by Sony, saying that it, too, suffers from many of the same problems as XCP. That software, called MediaMax, was written by SunnComm International Inc. Sony has confirmed that it ships CDs with both SunnComm's software and XCP, which was created by a Banbury, U.K., company called First 4 Internet. Both copy protection products are bad for consumers, according to J. Alex Halderman, a Ph.D. student in computer science at Princeton. "Like XCP, recent versions of MediaMax engage in spyware-style behavior," he wrote in a Saturday posting to the Freedom to Tinker Web log. Halderman reported that MediaMax automatically installed files without user consent, that its uninstaller program does not completely remove the software, and that it secretly transmits user information back to SunnComm's servers. "Playing First 4 Internet or SunnComm disks means not only installing new software, but trusting that software with full control of your computer," Halderman wrote. "After last week's revelations about the Sony rootkit, that trust does not seem well deserved." This is not the first time Halderman has had something to say about SunnComm. In 2003, SunnComm threatened the computer scientist with a lawsuit after he published a paper that exposed weaknesses in their copy-protection mechanism. No legal action was ever brought against Halderman, according to SunnComm
gmail now scans for viruses in you email...i mean...firggin finally...,aid,123807,00.asp
microsfot now has their security software up for testing..i mentioned this its out.....i'll dl a copy..but as for installing..i'll wait...but good to know they moving into security...,aid,123725,00.asp
wow good news with the gmail i never knew they never had a virus till now!! phew luckily i didnt use it on a regular basis, who'd a thought a big company like them just implanted it now they are everywhere.
now get acces to ur gmail account from ur cell or mobile device To access ur account, just point your device browser to this address: Knoc
Proof of concept code to attack firefox..interesting this one be..however, i have a a hand full of browsers that i alternate between, so i don't really see this as a major threat, unless u only use fox.,aid,123910,00.asp Would you really want to smell the website your visiting: Heated usb mits:,+the+sequel.html Desktop and laptop in one=back pains.
The parent company of iRIVER, Reigncom, has announced the G10 for CES 2006. It's a console similar to the PSP or Nintendo DS but it runs on Windows Mobile 5 and has between 4 and 8GB of storage space. You'll be able to play 3D games on the $" WVGA (800x480) screen and the console will probably be offered by Wibro. Something to look into at the CES 2006.
• Shared folder: The cPC includes a shared folder that allows you to share files across both operating systems (Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 and Windows Mobile 5.0). • Instant switching: The system tray of Windows XP and the Today screen of Windows Mobile include plug-ins that permit instant switching between the two operating systems. • Wireless connectivity: Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are included. Some 3G options will be included in future models. • Resolution: The cPC runs at 800 x 480 on a 5" 262K-colour touch screen LCD. Both Windows XP and Windows Mobile run at the specified resolution. • External keyboard: A DualCor-branded external Bluetooth keyboard is currently in the making and will be compatible with the cPC.