I was wondering how you did this. I don't think my game on the ps3 is up to it's standard. How'd you change the graphic settings?
of course ur running the game in HD i assume, if not then stick to PS2 but seriously, i took the blur effect off and it suked, so i put the blur effect on and it was nice there is also a couple presents for the colouring or w/e it is but i dont bother with that as its fine by default
Do you mean using a HDMI cable for the ps3 to the tv? I was thinking of doing that. I only just got my ps3 + tekken 6 today so didn't have much time testing different cables...just heaps of playing. =) I'm currently using the normal/default input cable that come with the ps3. The one that has 3 ports to plug in.
naa, used HDMI or VGA ( i use VGA on a LCD monitor) anything else is a waste of your money, if your on ps3 then get it on HDMI ASAP and if yor on xbox then get VGA unless you got an elite then HDMI for that too.
^ no shez tekken lag is a joke, thats it, no more online till the patch in December..... its crazy, i lag proper vs people with green bars, plus i beat a scrub and he rage quit and i got a loss too!!!!
^ That was the issue too, others quit and count as you lose and if you're unlucky a demotion, but people at tekken zaibatsu say its just the synchronisation with the server and the server detected as you disconnected while you're not
ahh the people at tekken Zaibatsu dont know jack... they just speculate like all the other forums imo, that aside, the dude did not disconnect, i got that loss from a previous battle where i lost cus i couldn't block anything with the lag >..<
hahahaha, don't block, in the lag just dash back and use lows for Lei back dash db+4,4 spam it lol if he's waiting for ya, do uf+4
New patch coming soon according to a reliable source. So keep your head up. It should address the 2p customization and some of the lag at minimum.
^ reliable source.... namco said (a few days after release) they were gona release the patch in winter for the lag which is seerate from some other patch they will release that adds online co-op. cant get any more reliable than that
ya joking!!!!!!!!!! im going NOOOOOOOOOw ----------------------- ------------------------------ ok, its ALOT better, more options etc, the matches still has a little lag, compares the 3bar SF4 matches i would say but the game is playable now, you can block finally!! ill give it a shot later.
ok i had another go and my verdict: im gona stick to sf4, lol i dont like this game, half the time im sitting there twiddling my thumbs while im bouncing on the floor waiting for the other person has finished doing their 1000 hit combo or im stuck on a wall bouncing off that with no way of fighting back, good button basher though but i dont have time for button bashing games, i rather vanquish flow chart ken's.. tekken has changed to much for my liking, anyway, back to sf4..
lol. I like both games, apples and oranges to me. Tekken combos are pretty fun to pull off and it's satisfying when you can get off a good juggle and wall carry combo.
meh im gona give it a try... see if there is more to this game than button bashing and repeating one combo
i give up, i see no point in the game, the bound/bounce system wreaks the game imo, i get hit into the air or knocked down then i gota sit for 10 seconds watching myself bounce all over the place with no way of getting out of it.. and the people online make flow chart kens look pro... SF = ken/ryu, tekken = Kazuya/robot girl......ill give it a miss.