So if you watched it, what do you think about it? I think i've only watched 3 episodes of The Voice 2. This episode, and the 2 episodes with Season 1 Contestants + the Thank You Messages. So again, what do you think about this episode? I think Kwan Gor + Chrissie's performance was reallyy funny. I like the song that they song too But Chrissie stick with her job, as she said herself, she's not a singer. Their words thanking everyone was pretty emotional too.
Only 3 persons really are great and cool singer in the concert: 1) Jeanie Lee "Superwoman" (steady and experience young talent) 2) Cheng Louzi "Amazing Grace" (lovely voice) 3) Hanjin (he is cool) One comment though: how come so little applause after Jeanie sang, was it cut in the film or was it HK people not sport enough. Frankly I do not think Mag should get 92 over Jeanie at 87. Just look at how Mag failed at the final (not steady). For all the song I heard Mag sang, it was only A.I.N.Y that really has that power like Teresa said.
For singer I believe sick is not an excuse...when sick, the sound maybe different but not the performance. But in Final Mag was not able to handle the pressure. Well hope she can improve. Frankly I do see some fav. from lead judge for Mag.
If you think Mag was in Season 1, Mainland Challengers weren't here, would you think she would be first? Or would it still be Ho Sze Wai? Who was the top 8 in Season 1 again? o.o
MAG > hoh ji wai .... they were in the same sing comp before in which mag came first and hoh ji wai didn't even get anything LOL
Liked Jeanie's performance. Also liked Crystal's (the host) singing style. And yea, it was also funny seeing Chrissy sing with Kwan gor. Maybe in this competition. If you watch Asian Millionstar, the singers are way better.
chrissie and kwun gor-lol...chris voice was probably pre recorded she was pretty steady for singing the first time.
Just finished watching Solid Goldies Challenge now I have a different opinion of MagLam. She carried herself pretty well, cool and professional.Way to go Mag.
My favourite performance was the duet by A-Lin and Mag Lam...liked the song lots and the style was nice. Hanjin's act was a great crowd pleaser too! Duet by Vivian Chan Wei Man with Kenson was sweet... And lastly of cuz, Chrissie and Kwan Gor was most funny and cute!
^I BEG TO DIFFER mag and a-lin are both very competent singer on their own, putting two voices together each with such a strong character did not sound good at all. their voices didn't complement each other and all the ad-lib just sounded retarded lol