6 left now!! turning 19 too!! happy bday then =) and if only u got ur IS on the same day too rite!! lol u should come to syd and hold a party =)
lol when are u turning 19? hahaha my personal jet is in the shop, i cant get to sydney in time :( sry
Damn I'm so pissed right now, one of my friend got bashed while at City Hunter -censored. And I can't do anything for him-angry Idiot just go bashing him up just because he booted him from DOTA. That idiot better watch his back!-angry-angry-angry
you have got to be kidding. I post all the time!! you might've recognised me a few times. I went "missing" for a while but came back last week after the exams finished -bigclap
lol.. wow... bashed over Dota O_O. I play it... but never take it THAT far. How was your friend found anyway? Did he like somehow reveal his location to the person or something? Anyways, yeh, hope its not too serious. BTW, to the aus Dota-er's , u can find me on bnet west (heronova, & nc.ex).
It happened when we were at City Hunter I, was suppose to go to movie or basketball or casino, just to show him whats it's like in there, but we had 1 or 2 underage people and decided to go PC...yeah he's alright
yay!!! sun's out again... n i actually did something over the weekend... Transformers and 6 hrs of karaoke marathon!!!