Well there are a few. Theres one in strathfield, campsie, parra, those are the ones i know off. Now one of my friends is making me go to Transmission sat nite as well but "ngor moh chin ahh"....i'm getting too broke this month...
>_< its spring and its way too cold...i cant believe this :( i slept with my electric blanket on last night
Hey is anyone going to Joe's concert? Any fans of that guy over here? hes gonna be at lunapark on the 22nd of Sept. http://www.liveguide.com.au/liveguide_le_view.cfm?joe&event_id=527387
who's joe? =/ im soo bhind on wats happening around syd lately >< should learn to be like angie and bludge more at work ahhahah
Nope, don't have a clue...but I know something about Linkin Park is coming to Australia and I don't even listen to them...
haha joe...i bought 2 of his albums back in like yr 8 or something? lolz i had a huge rnb slowjam phase back then..good singer though. wouldn't really go watch him plus 22nd is my friends bday...gotta go get her drunk oh and how was everyones apec long w/e??
i got to sleep in for 3 days!! great =) ahhaah monday was soooo bad >< 1 month to go b4 next long weekend ahhaahah
friday: shopping in chatswood & cooking sat: cleaning & clubbing ----> the city was dead >_< sunday: being lazy & din at uncle
Need to drop by at Chatswood westfield and see if they have the camouflage pants I like...most camouflage pants looks a bit ugly...The one I got is starting to rip...
=/.....dont think westfield in chatswood is tht great....probably been there too often... i must say i really wanna go to westfield at bondi though...its so biggg....<3