Yeah i need extra cash too...hire love u long time!!! hah but yeah got paintball this weekend!! need more money oh and i've just done my voting...have to chuck it in the post tomorrow
i do... but im not in syd >< syd sent me away... hahaah (well more like i applied to go but neway....) lolz any particular type of jobs u looking for?
ur not qualified!!!! just kidding omg i'm soooooooooo sick of the election crap... imma close my eyes n tick everything...
well they give you like options, just choose to tick like the 1 box instead all the different candidate names and your done haha
lol my bday party is on national votin day >_______> it's like... 40 ppl run off to go vote n go back karaoke rofl.
it doesn't even happen until another 2 weeks dawn~ y u so stressed abt it ? i frekin gotta go find the consulate and do voting there ><
hah i think she means shes sick of all the campaigning and crap you see on the news and tv. its all over the place
thats y u gotta learn to block out stuff wen u see them its like i can't see u... i can't hear u.... lol and rudd's even on facebook... *sigh* should spam him there! lol
haha both howard and rudd haave facebook and they compared rudd to howard saying rudd had more friends = more popular...hah sad
i'm not stress... i'm just sick n tired of hearing abt it every time i turn on the tv... it's getting annoying