well for sure in MR series, there were dozen of good perhaps the best actor among them... but which one do u guys think is the best of them all?? from my perspective, i support 'Jo Bao' for sure !!!
Jo Bao for sure! and Raymond too im not sure about Moses he is hilarmous but i guess the "spotlight" is not on him in this Drama compare to the first one
for real the MR is more focus on raymond lam than mosses...i guess perhaps the spotlight of moses switched to gems of life while raymond took his position in MR..from my view, raymond's acting was okay but i prefer Ha Yu as Jo Bao of course !!! last year's award was unfair where Moses got both best favourite male and best male award..Ha Yu performance in HOG is very good also but he got nothing from the event..damn it...hope he'll got something this year...
for me, i personally like raymond lam and moses. since moses won last year, i guess award should go one to ha yu and the other will go to raymond lam. about ha yu's character, i think i prefer him more in HOG than in MR.
Best Male Performance was the guy who has the weird hair and cant speak proper canto! , with the really tight mum, !lol joking i support 管家仔!
ha yu perorms very well as jo pa...raymond character as goon ga jai not outstanding enough..even though i'm raymond fans