actually, i do believe admins have access to IP addresses last time i was a forum mod............. his IP should be dropped in the middle of /b/ :naughty:
Hahaha, someone in here are soo ashamed that he is born as a westerner. Each race have its own pride, so no it is not a lucky stuff to be born as Asian, you just a LOSER who not have pride of your western race.
lol i spoke too soon actually, im pretty proud to be vietnamese. now if you call vietnam a western country, that's a totally different story
Keep posting. All I see from you is the cry of frustration from an abused child with down syndrome. Good job man!
lol this guy is pretty entertaining, the thing he doesn't realize, is that the real irony here right now, is that he is bashing on asians for being asian lol guess this shows he hasn't been to the PA facebook group lol ProudAsianGuy, a serious question for ya: what makes you think we're not asian lol
I mean to say that to kontradictions who seems to said "being born as Asian is a lucky thing so there is no need to be proud to be born as Asian" I'm sure he also have a big fetish of wanting to date one of our cute aged slower Asian females than his ugly BALLOOOOOOOON aged too fast american females.
Why do you laught at your ugly BALLOOOOOOON aged too fast american females when you are also an ugly BALLOOOOOOON yourself? I wonder if you even know what that BALLOOOOOOOOON is.
i know ProudAsianGuy... im a fat western guy that just loves asian women... it would seem like you and i are alike.... we're both BAAALLLLOOOOOOOOOOOONSS do you get over this :( this guy just tries too hard hahahahaha even if it was his intention to troll, he is losing it hahahahaha