And perhaps I should add this: Since I have likened this Earth to a classroom; so we learn whatever we came to learn; and take our exams.. At the end of the day, we get our results of the exams. Just like when we are on this Earth, we are supposed to be taking 'exams'. When we head home (die) we go to the Hall of Memories; where we'll be handed our results.. and explained/saw what we did wrong.. our mistakes.. Now does that draw a clearer picture to you?
^^ I'm Bhuddist. Following my dad's religion. But he reads up on Tibetan Bhuddism like he belongs in both. It's nice to have a better view of the religion.
see b-rain? since you and i got like.. identical beliefs, no need to threaten and steal my parts -devil
@Dann: Hmm Dann, Tibetan Buddhism? Then are you sure ur info is right about the reincarnation of animals/humans part... ? Coz according to the Tibetan Buddhism teachings; a Human never gets reincarnated into an animal and vice versa.. Check my post #2.
It is ok for us to mix bhuddism and tibetan bhuddism right? It's not like christianity, where you can only adhere to 1 particular teaching? (No offense to any christians >.<)
i know, hence i said "mixture" lol and plus, i also said i was skeptical about that part you gots to read -devil
what if i learn new lessons but made mistakes on older ones? unless we have to reincarnate untill we successfully 'pass' every lesson w/o making mistakes on previous lessons, in way a we are becoming a perfect person (which is very unlikely), when is the loop gonna end? How will a dead baby be judged/reviewed at this stage since i believe there is nothing to review just curious, do we start from 1st dimension and slowly 'graduate' all the way to the 9th?
lol jun here got some pretty good questions lol we'll all know when its time and plus... we cant be sure that anything we say in this section is even the truth lol
that still don't answer my question. <_< what is the point of this hall of memories -- if in the next life we cannot remember any of it. it is used to show you how bad or good you were in this life? @dann and BabyRain -- it was joke. a really bad one. i said it as a joke. in my experience religious issues can heat up ... but laughing can calm one down again.
I want to see how dann and babyrain answer my questions on page 2. As an atheist, I would have to agree with apollon on one point which dann and babyrain did not quite address yet. One does not necessarily need a religion or a specific "way of life" to judge what is morally right and wrong. Since I believe that both religions and ways of living are based on what people a long time ago consider as common logical sense, there is no need to follow them as long as one knows what is morally right and wrong. Furthermore, the definition of what is morally right and wrong have changed over the years. A think following a religion or a specific guide on life is a way of binding humans of their own thoughts and actions. The essence and teachings of the religions and the ways of life are essentially good, but setting limits or boundaries is not.
I second apollon. When you reincarnate you forget everything in your pass lifetime. So why have the hall of memories? It won't help you when you reincarnate.
i think i understand where apollon is stuck.. youre thinking that earth is the MAIN life, and everything revolts around our lives as human beings on earth... but i cant say on behalf of b-rain, but i believe the MAIN life is actually the life the the spirits, the entity we will all turn into... according to my beliefs. because you think our "living" lives are actually the main plane of existence, you may think that lessons from other lifetimes are useless... but try thinking of the spiritual plane as the main plane of existence.. we may use ALL our lessons in THAT plane of existence, NOT this one...
Jamien: According to the Tibetan Buddhism teachings of free will, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. One has the free choice in one's Path of life and spirituality. For example; if a person is always wanting solid proof/evidence, then that person should let be. No point trying to convince him to believe in God or anything else. It a person is not ready to take that particular Path. Besides, to compel another person to take a certain Path (ie convert) against his/her will is useless because it will add to the karma of the person trying to compel, and does no good to anyone else. So to answer your question whether it's Ok or not, it's totally 'OK' to choose what you want to believe in; decide what you want to believe in and mix up your beliefs even; after your own readings and soul searching. No point just believing in something written in any teachings just because they are written that way and not because you rationalize them and can accept the teachings with your own mind.
That is the whole point. Be an ideal person by following the teachings of Buddhism. A dead baby would be considered innocent/neutral.
i uhhhhh got lost reading the posts -lol would you mind narrowing the questions -tongue2 and b-rain.... i just need to know... other than that animal-human thing... which im actualyl starting to abandon, do you disagree with anything else?
lol i left this 1 one out anyway : what do u mean by own astral worlds? it shouldnt be different from the human's right according to the 2nd quote. btw do animals have to go thru the purgatory stage as well? just curious cuz i dunno how an animal will be reviewed =P
@babyrain : ^^ Thanks. That's good info and really good to know. @Dann : So since the is the life of spirits, it means what we do in the living world (the wrong stuff) really doesn't matter because in the main world(spirit world) is where we put our lessons to use?
Apollon, I believed I have already addressed this issue because I have given a detailed description of what we are. We are puppets controlled by our Overselves. So the point of this Hall of Memories is for one to relate to the mistakes they have done; convey them to their Overselves... , etc. And the point of Hall of Memories is also for one to DECIDE on what kind of circumstances one choose to be reborn as in the next life, to serve the best possible purpose to learn that lesson. Another point of the Hall of Memories is something like a record of the person's lives and their Karma. So basically; the point of Hall of Memories is not for one to be able to recall their memories AFTER the process of reborn. And by the way; wouldn't one be totally bitter about the fact he got sent back to Earth without knowing anything he did wrong? He must be told what he did wrong to satisfy and justify him going back to Earth again. The poor soul shouldn't be expected to keep repeating the rebirth process without knowing anything when they are aware in the astral worlds right? At least when you die; you go to the HOM and you say,"Oh so this is where I did wrong.. So that's how I was, etc"...
according to these teachings, is there a consequence for being a real bad person, or if your on the lowest astral level and still a bad person, what can happen from there? can you just go on being a menace to society in next lives?
no no, you know how in university, you graduate, and you use the stuff you learn in university and apply it to your work? well, basically, the analogy is that you go back and forth from university... you take one course at a time... you cant say university is useless... our life here on earth is synonymous to the university... we use what we learn here, and apply it over there. so like... what you do here, will reflect what you will learn overall.. its like... little quizzes you take... and the overall score will reflect what you learned..