lol, but if you wanted to eat better, you prob wouldnt have noodles lol anyway , it says it only takes like 2-3 mins on the packet, not 12 - 13
wow i never even knew that. but then again i wouldn't need to know how cause i can't even make instant noodles. they catch on fire all the time and i don't even know how thats possible
i am way too lazy for that this is what i do: 1. put boiling water with the flavouring and noodles in a bowl 2.microwave for a minute im so lazy
that's the instruction at the back of every instant noodle... but no one bothers to follow it... it's easier to throw everything into one pot
Nope,i'm sure i didn't see this instruction.. ohh...and what is your standard of cool people? lol,oilll
thats too long. i just boil water then put it into a bowl and add noodles and then put in microwave for 2 minutes and then all done. dont even have to wash a pot
lol wenever i make instant noodles, i always fry an egg take some leftover duck or "siu yook" that barbeque pork stuff, and some bok choy and mix it in it makes me feel like its more "healthy"
lol i thought you were gonna say to let it cool down so the hot ass soup don't splash on you.. -lol also if you run the noodles in cold water gives it each 'bounce' -chef -cool2
Keep in mind you that you shouldn't run pasta under water because it washes the starch away from the surface of the pasta. No starch means the sauce wont stick to the pasta.