The Departed

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by rockywong.87, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. martinj

    martinj Guest

    Might watch the Departed, seen Infernal Affairs I and II and they were great movies...Is it worth watching after having seen Infernal Affairs?
  2. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I'm not going to watch The Departed unless it's be shown for free on tv in a few years and I surely won't go over the trouble to download it if it was even for free.

    Not only because it's an American remake stealing all the credits from the original Infernal Affairs, but mainly because DiCaprio, Jack Nicholas and Matt Damon are playing in it. These are the 3 actors I really don't like to watch and can't stand them for some reason and if you put all three of them in a film, I'll automatically lose my appetite for the film.

    The HK cast looked 1000x cooler than these US actors in my opinion.
  3. rockywong.87

    rockywong.87 Active Member

    well i beleived that they remade it soo tht the sequels cannot be made.. they only bought part 1.. tht is why in the end of the departed matt damon got shot...
    overall the main scenes that was needed in the movie was remade pretty good... cause no man is going to fall down a 30 story building in the states . .cause the high security prevents shit like that to happen.. whereas in the chinese ones Anthony Wong can walk up and down that building like it is his..
  4. shadow Thi3f

    shadow Thi3f Well-Known Member

    Its definitely possible to fall down a 30 story building in the states, no matter how tight the security is. It doesnt take long to throw a guy out of a building; in a matter of seconds. Even if security sees it on the surveillence camera, they cant get up there that fast to save the guy.

    The producers of the Departed never intended to make a sequel. HK did it because they were trying to milk the films popularity while it was hot.

    The Departed was a decent movie on its own but it has nothing on Infernal Affairs. It really sucks that it won best picture when the script was an adaptation of another movie. It goes to show that Andrew Lau and his team had a pretty good story in their hands.
  5. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    Departed sucks... but then infernal is good i cant believe martin made such a crappy arse movie replicating it
  6. ekus3

    ekus3 New Member

    this is a good movie
    wasnt a fan of leo but after watching him here
    i kinda like him cos i think he's gud here
  7. sourisso

    sourisso Member

    surely it's too bad us make remakes of tons of asian movies instead of watching those movies, but having seen both departed and IA, you can't seriously says departed sux. yes IA came with a great scenario, yes US only make a remake, but damn, HK can't beat Scorsese skills, sorry... im surprised to see people doesnt get it here, must be a culture diff... i liked IA but as many HK movies it has those "cheap" moments with slow motion and lousy romantic music that looks very cheap and it's too bad. at least the departed doesnt have those cheap moments. and di caprio is damn great in it, this actor is really good since he grew up. departed is like a big punch, IA looks kinda weak beside it, even if it has all the credits of originalty and good idea. But those cheap stuff, damn, why...
  8. thatboymikey

    thatboymikey Well-Known Member

    ergs.. i just find it really funny that hollywood is so lacking in writers that they have to buy the rights to movies from other countries. I thought that at least they are recognizing other countries who makes movies, but they really botched up the credits at the oscars though. I watched the departed and i thought it was ok..not great.
  9. redial

    redial Member

    watch infernal affairs, andy lau and tony leung will make leo look like a kitty
  10. yunski

    yunski Well-Known Member

    I just downloaded Infernal Affairs. I have to see for myself.
  11. 101

    101 Well-Known Member

    #31 101, Mar 29, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  12. orange123

    orange123 Well-Known Member

    the hk version was 10 times better that this BEST PICTURE one.
  13. wwkfan

    wwkfan Member

    american producers are great at marketing product but horrible at developing original products
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And now they are adapting Exile =_=b Asian-Gangster film wave?
  15. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Infernal Affairs is really great.. ive heard alot abt how poor departed is... maybe I should watch it one day to confirm..
  16. bchanana

    bchanana Well-Known Member

    INFERNAL AFFAIRS IS BETTER!!! way hotter guys :]
  17. Ricochet

    Ricochet Member

    After watching both, my verdict is that Infernal Affairs is better than The Departed. Martin sorely missed the point of the movie.
  18. spore_attack

    spore_attack Member

    How could anyone win an award for a rip-off (and a bad one at that)?
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ We can keep asking, but the academy won't revoke the "honourary" (aka pity) award they gave to Scorcese, reward for effort (after all these years)