me too. my friends and i really didn't like the ending hobo. we are hoping that tvb will produce a sequel from the ending and from there we all really want a cool fight scene. if there part 2 i wish that tvb will pair raymond and kate together. how about you.
i feel that the ending will be good if they end up sucessfully in their love life. alot of my friends and me are hoping that tvb will produce a sequel where they are fighting with the army. hope that kate and selena will be in.
Overall, I like the ending but felt kinda weird where Kate suddenly turn good and help them. ALso, the girl (the one that like Roy) shouldnt just become a nun and Roy should stop her. Anyhow, a good series.
I enjoyed Kate's role in this series, I think she did a good job portraying the evil role in HOG2 and TF.
Ending was lame. Making all the relationships not work out was unbelievable. Overall only the last 30% of the show was interesting.
this movie is very interesting but the ending is not good because of the relationship. my friends and i was hoping that tvb will produce a sequel.
HI! HI! anyone can u please post the download add for me? my last 2 episode crashed..... millions thanks!!!
^ you should look around before posting but anyway its here
That ultimate weapon was pretty weird in the final part, the flame throwing bit was replaced with self destruction...
haizz ending could let us assume they die cos 4 ppl couldnt be able to go against thousands of ppl and most of the pairs are seperate at last
Dont you hate when TVB is trying to close all those loose end on a serie in 45 minutes that nothing make sense...Another "Tiger head, snake tail" serie.
the ending was crap, but at least it was different. Bit sad that they will likely die. They didn't have a few of the those weapons of mass destruction on them. That would easily defeat the opposing army. They should be smarter than that.
I think that there will be a 2nd series to this because if you watch carefully noone actually pairs up. So they can either change the characters or keep the same main male and change the femail leads!