the gift of flower, yes or no

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Arielkim

    Arielkim Well-Known Member

    haha , i would like to hav flowers as valentines present .. but it's not a must ..
  2. xsushiix

    xsushiix Member

    lol i was just talking about this topic with a couple of my friends the other day. personally, i would rather have my boyfriend spend money on something that lasts a lot longer than flowers and/or on FOOD. haha x] when i told people that i honestly think flowers are a waste of money cause they die, the guys were like, "THANK YOU!" lol. if my boyfriend absolutely MUST give flowers, i'll just say one flower out of a whole bouqet is good enough, that is if it's a must. other than that. i wouldn't want to receive flowers to watch them wilt away... kind of a depressing gift to show your affection. =|
  3. guys should jus get girls rocks/stones... they last a lifetime...
  4. scottiewolfe

    scottiewolfe Well-Known Member

    Valentine's Day is so bloody commercial.

    I simply get them a card, maybe some chocolate and then take them out to dinner. Oh, and if the flowers are a must, get ONE rose. It's alot more romantic than a bunch of flowers.
  5. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

    a dozen of durex roses, put em to good use..-noclue
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    a paper saying "iou flowers"..
  7. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ur friend is a b*atch, and the boy needs to dump her greedy ass. i would b more then happy if my boyfriend spent 2 hours on the road just to see me. if i were him i woulda jsut walked out on her when she was yelling at him for not getting her flowers. tell her he's gonna go get some flowers and never go back. stupid girl. sorry that i'm bashing ur friend, but she gives girls a bad rep.
    i don't like flowers. they die after like 3 days, and then i never get around to throwing them out and they begin to smell. plus, on valentines day, they hike up the price for it. freaking ridiculous. i'd rather my boyfriend just give me the money for the flowers so i can go buy shoes with it. but we don't celebrate valentines day. totally commercialized. excuse for hallmark to make a billion dollars. he shouldn't show me how much he loves me in just one day.
    besides, i'm not one of those girls thats all about what he got me. i'm all about the little things. -->like if i was ur friend smallrinilady, and my bf made a 2 hour trip to see me, i would the happiest gal ever. no need for gifts.
    as for girls giving boys flowers, sure, whatever floats ur boat. i would personally probably never do it. too embarassed.
  8. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    one reason girl like receieve flower on the Valentine's time beczu Valetine's day is the time for lover.

    I agree flower is kind of waste but.. the point in here is the girl expect to receieve flower on Valetine's day from his bf. Girl get piss if she don't receieve any flower on that day, beczu her friend's probably receive flower.

    *** try treat your gf like little kid .. they angry if they want too, ***
  9. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    so your saying it's all about jealousy
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    the gift of virginity...... yes or no?
  11. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    Yay to plastic flowers haha :p

    Seriously, I dont mind if a guy buy me flowers or not but it wouldve been nice if he did it (not often). If a guy chase me and buy me flowers i dont like it, i rather want him to give me a suprise.
  12. edmundteh

    edmundteh Well-Known Member

    some girls really love flower, they will treasure it and make it into dry flowers, it is still up to an individual to give or not to give.
    myself, i will always give my gf twice a year, because my florist will always sent straight to her office then charge me, because i have given standing instruction to do so for many many years liao.
    it is not whether is it worth the money or not, it is the thought that counts, the gesture of giving.
    ofcourse they will appreciate it, but if you dont give, they wont complain, just to avoid anything, better give la.
    my 2cent.
  13. wwkfan

    wwkfan Member

    I think it is a little in between flowers should be given on special occations but the special occations would be determined by the people in the relationship. They are a waste of money but the thing behind it is the symbolizm.
  14. lit0dr3amz

    lit0dr3amz Member

    I personally think buying flowers is a waste of money b/c they just end up going to waste... I guess it really depends on the girl.... I would just throw them away when they die... but my sister would dry them and put the petals in a jar and save them... so I guess its worth it if you know how to save them...
  15. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    I've had a girl surprise me with a shop vac, so in conclusion... Shop Vac > Flowers... she was awesome... the end.

    Flowers have their place, I've given them out. They are usually complimentary to whatever plans I had arranged for that day or night.
  16. lol and Mister Casanova shows himself again... -lol
  17. nondieure

    nondieure Member

    i like flowers
  18. leelee

    leelee Well-Known Member

    i'll be too embarrased to recieve flowers. especially in a public place. its way too corny. eck. the worst is a bouquet of red roses. if u are gonna get flowers, go for a single rose or something nice like lilies and get it delivered. btw imma girl.
    and girls giving guys flowers is a no, unless i was purposely making fun of him
  19. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    not for me
    if i WAS to recieve flowers, i rather it be where i can show it off
  20. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    I dun fancy flowers.. especially on designated dates like valentines. Its a waste of money and I believe its all commercially driven. If the guy grows the flowers himself then its different.

    O.. n i wun give guys flowers..