The Invisible Thread

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Knoctur_nal, Jun 15, 2006.

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  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|


    shorty..i aint tryin to insult ya..if i were..i'd get banned...thas how crazy i other half is somewhere lurking on out now...
  2. I think that other half maybe Nirv.... -lol. Damn yo... I'm gettin like crazy amounts of spam on my Hotmail... it sucks... >_<
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    hell no!...
  4. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Hotmail was so last year. Right now it's all about gmail!!!
  5. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    I get alot of spam in Yahoo, the bulk folder gets like over 1000 messeges in one month

    -ann it doesnt freaking matter what email account you have, as long as it works.
  6. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Umm yes, it does.


    # Cost: Free
    # Storage: 2,500+ megabytes (and counting)
    # Superior spam protection using innovative Google technology
  7. yea... i've had hotmail account for long time... plus i check it when i sign onto msn... Can I actually sign up for gmail...?? hear it was like exclusive or somethin... but then again... don't need too many email accounts.

    wah 1000 for yahoo??? good lord... I rarely get any spam for yahoo... freakin hotmail... and I be reporting them too... >_< but they keep comin back...
  8. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    I've had every email account out there. Gmail is the best so far. No spam whatsoever. They offer more advanced options and I never have to delete anything.

    And yes, it is exclusive. Someone has to send you an invitation in order for you to set up an account:
  9. yea but damn once you give it away... you'll just end up gettin spammed...??
  10. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    You mean once you're done giving away the invites? Nope, you still won't get spammed.
  11. no I mean like signing up for stuff... and get tricked... and have your email leaked all over for the spam sites!!
  12. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Have yet to experience that with gmail.

    Dude, just sign up for it already and see for yourself! If you don't like it then you can come back in here and yell at me the way you did in the "other" thread, okay? :p

    Stop asking so many questions. lol
  13. lol but i like asking questions... :p

    yes i guess i should... kinda want it... but i'm like kinda lazy to set up... but anyways... should i contact that guy then???
  14. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    *sigh* Okay, so being the angel that I am... I guess I could just send you an invite.. -rolleyes

    What's your email address? Don't worry, I won't stalk you...
  15. hehe... thanks anyways.. but I just messaged that guy.. so i guess i'll wait n see.. damn i guess it really aint all that exclusive after all -lol
  16. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member


    Where IS everybody??? I'm soo bored :(

    Oh, I know... I'll copy Ecko and sing you guys a song... -whistle

    It's all good in the neighborhood holmes...
    Summer days just sitting around but when the sun goes downnn...
    I'll be ready to pardayy
    Aint' nothing like them summer nights...
    Keep the top on drop while the guys lookin' hot..
    Hit the volo and we just don't stop...
    Party untill the morning light
    Ain't nothing like them summer nights...

    I'm feeling good...
    I'm feeling alright tonight...

    I just kicked it at home, I polished up the chrome
    Call the ruca on the phone, let him know I'm home alone...
    It's seven thirty and the sun's going down,
    It's a summer night and the fun is going down
    He picked me up and he looks all dressed up (He looks good)
    Sitting passenger in my rag impala (yeah)
    I let him know he looks good to me
    The world is an ugly place but he's such a site to see
    The kind of man that would put up a fight for me
    The kind that wants to spend summer nights with me
    The temp was eighty and I'm cruising with my man
    Playing some Ralphie Pagan, Ohh baby, baby...
    I see my home boys and they're crusing in their rides
    (Hey was up?)
    With their ladies sitting by their side
    People think we look crazy, but I think we look classy
    But then again, that's only if you ask me...


    All good in the neighborhood? lol
  17. lol it's hot... almost sounds exactly like lil rob's summer nites??? hmm...

    lol no.... i think the beat is pretty tight... it's like a really chill song.. just kickin' back and listen to it... hmm I should try to find it...

    but hey your supposed to make up your own lyrics to the beat!!
  18. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    I did change the lyrics! lol I changed all the "hers" to "hims" "girls" to "guys" and "shes" to "hes" -lol
  19. lol ok... but you gotta switch it up more than that! and damn i think i deleted the song already.. =/
  20. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    that song was so last year
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