Dann: COuld you please enlighten me on what an internet stalker consists of because all I have done is show some favouring to a particular member are you jealous that or something? Chi_man: Now that felt good didn't it =) bb I wish I was one of your santa's as well =)
Lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............today is a good day btw...those snowflakes on the homepage... im totally digging them AWESOME!! hahaha
come on nas...u can do it...all nighters are -cool2...and u know what...maybe...just maybe...if ud stop slackin (PA) u could rest a little -lol
^yea i thought about that...but i'm wayy past that state hahaha....ain't no goin back...have to look forward and continuing regretting later....that's the way we addicts live right haha....
i'm sure i can find other ways of procrastinating...I wasn't on PA last year during the finals and did that stop me from procrastinating.............i don't think so haha......ok back to studying....
nas u know, if u start the morning just b4 the exam u never have to do an all nighter only need the morning b4 =P more time efficient, since the nite is all procrastinating!! make use of these tips!!