Argh, pizza call center is pissing me off. Said i was going to pay by credit card, gave my number and info to the guy, and he didnt transmit it to the restaurant. Ended up having to pay by cash and having to argue.
im sure u gave him more than a number =P gues hes gotta see wat u can provide him b4 he does anything lol only 10 hrs? not very effective aye... hahaahah u can always overload next sem =) and plus, next time round u'll know not to study 10 hours 5 is probably enuff, so in total u would of studied 15!! haahah
SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT i just finished a final..... i skipped one whole page cuz i didnt know how to do..... thats 15% of the exam..... FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK im sooo fucking scared.... holy shit... I AM FLIPPING OUT! tell me a way to calm my ass down... fuck if i fail im FUCKED FOR DEAR LIFE!
Lol. Although not as extreme as your situation I also had a bad a test. For1 question I got the right answer using a different method compared to my teacher. But yet I only got .5 out of a possible 4 marks for it. I argued with her saying that I got the right answer just with a diff method. And she started saying no its the wrong method its "urological." Then I show her how it is logical. AND THE BITCH STILL DOESN"T GIVE ME MY FUCKING MARKS. I even asked the other teachers and they said it was valid, so my teacher is just being a dumbass. She knows shit and yet she's teaching us. I fucking hate her so much. I'm gonna argue for the marks again. If she doesn't give it to me than I'm gonna fucking murder her.
^ lol i was in a similar but not quite the same situation.. i get the answer, using the correct method and everything, but my communication was off, so i lost 8 out of 10 marks.. only reason? i didnt write the methods properly.. fuck.. lol thats exactly what im scared of on my exam.... FUCKKKKKKK
fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, i just had a fucking terrible final too... my CS was pure assrape... didn't get to the last section until about 9:15 pm, and by then i had already done 80 problem solving multi-choice questions, and the entire last part consisted of huge mark multi page programs. the last page... i had a 20 mark program that i just couldn't do. i spent like 25 minutes trying to get all the data values into an array and organized properly but it just wouldnt work. in the end i just gave up on that. i went in thinking it was a 30% final, but it turns out its worth 50% so i might have just failed the class... its bullshit, you can't do CS at night time.. i was up since 6 AM to do a logic final and im just completely bushed.
its ok...tlk to ur teacher like i did lol....the F is in my record and i need that changed to a C..i can't go on knowing i failed a course but ur'e still in high schoool...we're in post secondary...HUGE DIFFERENCE naw yo i don't need to do wat u do to get ur masters u can clean my shoe manggg lol
FEARLESS HOLY FUCK YOURE RIGHT!!! i went in comp sci exam thinking it was 30%.... i bombed the shit, but i calculated id still pass if it was 30%.... but its 40%..... fuck i lost more marks.........
That's why I said "Although not as extreme as your situation I also had a bad a test" But damn... You guys are freaking me out lol. I feel like I'm going to die next year.
its bs, high school is a joke compared to university. in HS i was rocking a 93% average, in university im sitting at a mid-high 70.
^ luckily im gone to LA in 11 hours, i wont be seeing my marks until i get back from my holidays lol. i know they will be shit, but atleast i will be able to avoid them for a while
You will learn that high school is basically day-care for teenagers. Unless if you attend a prep school or a private school you can throw all off what you learned out the window. The teachers don't care if you pass or not and for most classes you have to teach yourself.