not everyone suffers from the huge average drop though, im just too lazy to keep up with my studying. i have lots of friends who are maintaining high 80 aves and one with a 95 % university average. They giver 110% though, and i just don't have that kind of dedication.
i didnt' fail~ im sure u wanna do the same prac exams (computing ones) are like hit n miss wen u just can't get one of them, nothing works out =/ science prac exams are worse... >.< but i'm sure u guys will be fineee =) fearless, i got 7.5 hours to go b4 i take my flight pending it doesn't get delayed AGAIN
in HS is was rocking a 60 average, now i had a 3.0 --> 2.76 ---> 2.5...fcukk im gona be on probation soon
ehhh turns out, watching some non stop tv does make me feel better about my marks lol but its now 5 in the morning hahaha
uni put u on probation for usually a year? if ur marks fall below a certain percentage. u have a year to bring it back up or ur ass gets booted out for a certain period of time. after that certain period of time (2 years? usually) then u gotta go thru a tonne of crap to get back in. i'm really sorry to hear all of u guys and ur exams. i dunno what to say to make u guys feel better but on the reality side of it all, u can retake the course....i know some of u would prob rather kill urself then redo it but sometimes the extreme just has to occur. i flunked calculus to miserably, i started crying outside the exam room when i finished the final. another thought, what year are these courses ur taking, cause quite honestly, if u plan to further ur education, only the last two years count.-->not always, but sometimes.
as soon as i finished my last exam, i forgot about it all... i refuse to think how badly i may have done. Ill worry about that when i get my results, im gonna enjoy my holidayszzzzz
u can buy me and dann dinner =) i threw a table at the prof and i just got out of jail..thast y im on probation..gota report to the P.O every week hzhhahhahahh it ain't that easy when theres group work involveddd
*sigh*...just spent most of the day trying to do christmas shopping...and didnt get anything.... why is it so hard to shop for people.....and everyone says they want surprises....grrrrr guess will have to battle the crowds again...which is gonna be even worse over the weekend >.< anyways off for din din party with friends wooooohoooooo.....!!
w00T w00T..!!...just went shopping briefly..managed to get a few things.......for others and a few things for meeeEEee yayy!! just got a few moreee and then im done keke....
gaaaah.... i wish i could go shoppin... but i had to work...and thats what ill be doing the next two days too.... work was shiiiit today....:( sooooo busy..... impatient annoyin ppl...gahhh.... im sooo tired atm (-_-) i really have to buy my parents and sis some presents
^ wahh ya stilll not done any...its like 2 days left ga wor....lookies like ya mite as well wait for after xmas sales nows....kekekeke...^^....or or or just make them something MissCreativityCheeks....kakaka.... eeEEeee...why are my feeettt so cold -down....
hahaha....self made gift? i wont get away with thattt....!!! ive always got cold feet too...even now its like -7 degrees out there...and i dont wear socks... i dont really like socks