This game has the perfect score in all the reviewers. Gotta buy it asap!!
Surprisingly, I hardly find myself pressed for ammo... at least for the time being (I'm passed half way through), if you play the stealth right for most parts, you choke most of the guys out and you should be fine... or have the knife attached to your current melee weapon for quick kills. I only really had to use guns when there's a room full of runners and clickers as I had encountered one stage, and of course the "mandatory" scenarios (I can only think of two so far). Oh yeah... that nail bomb thing or whatever that you get early in the game... GREAT freaking weapon to use...
Yes, I agree that most of the game, you can stealth choke your way through a lot. However, every once in a while, you're in the thick of it and have to expend lots of ammo; then it becomes a problem if you only have seven bullets and no time to scavenge for more. I wonder if the multi-player game has the same limits? It it did, it would suck. Even the manufactured devices limitation of a maximum of three each is lame. They should have at least made upgrade slots or something to allow more later. And yes, that nail bomb is... well, the bomb!
It's going for the fact you carry everything in a backpack I guess. Multiplayer has the same limits and it's been pretty fun so far but you need to work pretty well as a team. There's always that one guy that has to go CoD and gets himself killed lol. As for the campaign, I mostly used stealth kills, smoke bombs and molotovs. Oh, and the flame thrower. That one is pretty bad ass.
In a interesting social twist, two phone numbers seen within the game, turned out to be actual real life telephone numbers to commercial sex hot lines, LOL... SONY is now scrambling to "correct" the problem.