The Movie Review and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by [N], Sep 17, 2007.

  1. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    My take on khaotic's superhero edition:

    Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 2/5

    Okay, I am ready to get beat up for this, I don't have the hots for Alba. So the only appeal of this film to me? Ioan Gruffudd and Doug Jones aka Silver Surfer. At the end it was cliche and boring, so totally expected... especially the ending.

    But my, surely I loved how River Thames was drained... It was THE spectacle of the film...

    Superman Returns, 3/5

    One word sums it up, boring. Even the colourful Kevin Spacey as the antagonist cannot save a stoic superman from his own acting bomb.

    Spider-Man 3, 2/5

    Yes, I know venom looked good in the promotional stills, but there wasn't nearly enough of Venom to leave me impressed. The pseudoromantic relationship between Peter Parker alias Spiderman and MJ was boring at best (at times, I mean MOST TIMES, annoying to the extreme). Given the cast full of promising young talents (James Franco, Topher Grace, Bryce Dallas Howard), I am surprisingly disappointed at the execution of the film. My expectations was very low after Spider-Man 2, but who knows, it can and it did sink VERY low...
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    You didn't like Spider-Man 2?
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    The Illusionist, 4/5

    Illusionist is a suspenseful drama lined with a romance plot. Released in the same month as The Prestiege, the characters are a lot more pleasant, or at least shone in a positive light. The cinematographic style was romantic, with a slight sepia tone to the film. Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti was an unlikely pair of co-star which surprisingly had the chemistry and tension between them. In all, it's a beautiful film telling a tragic love story, makes you cringe for the characters...
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I didn't, even though I really liked Octopus. The subway scene was WAY too cliche and annoying that I forgot about the rest of the film's virtues... -sweat
  5. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I still loved the film, even though the train scene was somewhat clchie.
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Foreign Horror round-up:

    Sheitan, 2/5

    French torture p*rn starring Vincent Cassel in his creepy rural life. Excessive flying insects, doll-making tools, long knifes, crazy incestous relationship and weird milk-sucking teenagers are just some of the token demonization of the rural life. The build-up was kind of lacking in the sheer stupidity of the characters (who is oblivious to the creepiness of the rural house). It may not be your best gory horror, but it definitely left a lot of its audience screaming.

    Frontiere(s), 2.5/5

    Another French torture p*rn, nothing original, even the plot reminded me of Sheitan (see above). Featuring a mix of cliche torture and some kind of new tricks. I swear, if there's another torture p*rn which has the crazy murderer slashing his victim's Archilles' heel I would avoid the director and its cast permanently. One of the MOST overuse trick in graphic torture. Got some great, upbeat music to grab the audience though. But in all, a bit lack luster.

    A L'interieur 4.5/5

    After two VERY disappointing horrors, I was fortunately enough to catch this low-budget but well made gory thriller-horror. It's so scary because you can almost IMAGINE yourself being in the protagonist's shoes (or bare foot). The setting is the safety of one's own house, death count was high and deliciously gory for such limited space. The tension was unbearable at times, you feel for the protagonist so much that it aches!

    I adored (?) how the character(s) REUSED her weapon, unlike those fantastical horror film where the murderer seems to have access to endless supply of various fancy/creative weapons. And yes, LOTS of blood, when you exit the cinema after this film, you'd almost be surprised that you didn't catch any blood on your shirtfront. It is one cult classic in the making, MUST SEE. -devil
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    My Take on Khaotic's Superhero Edition:

    Fantastic Four 2

    What can i say this movie almost made me sleep, it was terrible. I actually think i would enjoy the first one a little more if they didn't have the silver surfer. He was only the good thing in this film and actually the only appeal for me to actually go watch this in theaters. But the villians in this movie are soo dumb dr. doom still couldn't act for shit although it's somewhat an improvement over the previous one it's still razzie worthy. The fantastic four team was terrible even the flaming torch lost some of his charisma here, the acting was just horrible for a mainstream movie like this. Bottomline didn't enjoy this movie at all.

    My rating is 2/5

    Superman Returns

    Well didn't really watch superman movies before this so i was like wtf at first, but this movie was pretty good for me. Kevin Bacon as Lex Luther was kinda weird for me at first because he is much older than Brandon Routh but i got adapted to it and he was pretty funny at time. And I also liked Parker Posey she's quite a duo with Lex. I didn't like Kate Bosworth as Lois though, she was just very bland and boring, definitely not a good choice there. This movie was also way too long but otherwise it was an entertaining superhero movie.


    Spiderman 3

    I was ultra psyche for this movie before I watch it, I mean damn Venom is in the movie. But i was utterly disappointed after i watched it, I was like that's Venom? Well getting the venom issue out of the way, I actually enjoyed like the first quarter or so of the action and special effects, then there goes Peter Parker with the emo kid scene, i was like wtf is going on here, anyways this movie wasn't too good but definitely better than fantastic four..

    My rating: 3/5

    Okay now that's out of the way

    My take on The Illusionist

    Well never saw the prestige so can't compare this to that but the movie deals with twists that require the audience to kinda think or watch the plot unfold piece by piece it's kinda a dissection and then when you get to the end you will find some answers but it kinda keeps you guessing. The love story was alright, Jessica Biel's acting still doesn't get to me. Edward Norton's accent sounded funny too me first but then I adapted to it and Paul Giamatti character was kinda weird too me, his character should've been a lil more serious, his expressions were awkward. And yea the soft kind of blurred style of cinematography is good, make's the whole thing look dreamy...

    My rating: 4/5

    And yeah spider-man 2, was forgettable for me, can't even remember what happened now lol and i still remember what happens in spider-man 1.
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    With a review like that I would have thought that you are going to give The Illusionist a 3 or something less-than-respectable mark -sweat
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^Just pointing out the negatives...but i enjoyed the movie more than superman and i gave that a lil over a 3 so how can i give this a 3 lol, edward norton bumped my 3 review to a 4 how bout that-tongue2
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Glad to know Ed Norton did bump the score up... Although I must say, the entire cast (Norton, Biel, Giamatti and Sewell, of Dark City fame) are all actors in my favourable side -^_^
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^what Jessica Biel is good to you? She was very wooden in every movie i see couldn't act good imo, can't remember one movie she was good in... Rufus Sewell does have the look and acting for a villian though lol.
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't know, I know I have a soft spot for her... Probably coz she got that classic look (I hated her in the beginning like in Blade 3 and Stealth)... But I prefer her to many other hotter, better actresses any day... I know it's irrational, but I can't quite explain why... -unsure

    Perhaps I took her stoic posture/expression as the demure aristocrat look? :D
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ you like her wooden-ness? well i can't say anything to change your mind then lol but yes she was terrible in blade trinity (worst blade movie ever, left me with a sour taste since i enjoyed the 2nd one soo much) and she did suck pretty bad in stealth...
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Didn't quiet expect her to actually act... Really. I am curious in how she did in And now I pronounce you Chuck and Larry (or something, forgot the exact name)... Perhaps she is capable, just camera shy for certain things?
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^I never saw that movie lol, but i also wouldn't expect too much acting in those comedies lol...Basically if you're camera shy, don't be an actor don't blame the camera -tongue2
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Fair enough, but what can I say, I have a soft spot for her... I guess that closes the case ;) Just read up on, she apparently is a trained vocalist... why ain't she in musical-films? -unsure
  17. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Penis Monsters of Zorgon 5 : The Oozing - 5/5

    Penis monsters, despite its unfortunate title, is a powerful film, chock full of drama, intrigue, and above all, action. Directed by Martin Scorsese, the movie was adapted from a popular Broadway musical. Set on the faraway planet of Zorgon 5, it tells the story of a three female space travelers (Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Grace Park) who become stranded on the planet when their starship crashes for unknown reasons. The women quickly learn that the planet, albeit beautiful and peaceful, holds a terrible secret.

    One scene in particular perfectly illustrates the masterpiece that is 'Penis Monsters'. The scene depicts an exhausted Alba and Fox running through the underground tunnels of Zorgon 5, attempting to escape the pursuing penis monsters. Suddenly, the floor falls out from beneath them and they fall into a deep lake. Alba surfaces after a short while, but Fox does not and Jessica dives into the dark water to find and rescue her drowning friend. After a tense silence, the women surface. Alba drags Fox to the closest shore and quickly administers mouth to mouth and CPR, accidentally tearing her shirt in the process. This scene and many others like it has prompted film critics world wide to declare Penis Monsters to be one of the best films of the year, and the movie has consequently generated a great deal of Oscar Buzz.

    This is a film not to be missed by anyone, and one which i highly, highly recommend.
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^haha, don't even mention martin scorsese (i wonder if he can turn them into oscar winning actresses? that we will never know) in a movie with those girls but still, nice fantasy lols... i would recommend it, just take out grace park and put hyori with english subtitles lmao.

    here's a sample of her singing actually remembered seeing this lol:


    She wasn't too bad, could be in a musical
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @NAS: Thanks for the clip, she can definitely sing in a musical, considering she didn't "open her voice" beforehand... That truck thing is kind of funny with her in it... -^_^

    And fearless has to come and ruin everything <_<
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    RUIN?! damn, that took me a long time to imagine and write lol. I gotta sell my idea to a movie studio now... maybe Paramount