The Movie Review and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by [N], Sep 17, 2007.

  1. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You can certainly try -sweat
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    @ fearless, i think Uwe Boll (Director of Blood Rayne (one of the worst movies i've ever seen, this is utter crap), only seen that one from him) will definitely direct it and fund it for you lols
  3. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I don't think so. It isn't a game based movie so he might reject it. He loves his game movies I remember there was a rumor about him having the rights to a metal gear solid movie. I was so pissed off, but luckily it was just a rumor :).

    and now I got school. I'll right more when I get home :p
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lol let's create that game first it'll be like DOA beach volleyball or somethin haha, yeah i was like WTF at that metal gear solid movie rumor with Uwe boll, here's how the broken plot would go, solid snake goes in base finds Meryl, has some unnecessary sex with her than bam kills two dudes, says hello to the ninja, then cuts to revolver ocelot, he'll laugh and laugh and say "Snake i got your meryl hahahaha" meryl bites Ocelot hands his dialog goes "nooooooooooooooo", he gets shot in the throat and there's a kill bill blood effect, then meryl turns in to a vampire and snakes kills her the end.... Yes that was kinda how BloodRayne went, boom cut, bam cut, boom again cut, the end wtf.......And Uwe boll gets credible actors in his movies too, like Michael Madson and Ben i just hate this guy.

    Lol i have school like in a week, sucks...
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Most of us who actually have school already started, so stop whining already... <_<
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    right on. nice idea for a thread.
  7. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous


    If you're one of those high class snotty people then avoid this film. If you're not then watch it! The movie might be distasteful, but you can't deny that its one of the funniest films of the year. "Penis" You will never laugh that much about this word ever again.
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I've yet to see it... At this rate, I will be waiting for its DVD >.<
  9. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Because of that movie my new favourite number is 8. hahahahahaha

    but you could wait for someone to upload it. Maybe I'll do it :p
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It would be nice, but I can certainly rely on the library service on the DVD...

    Did that favourite number thing has anything to do with the 8-ball?

  11. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    #51 khaotic, Sep 18, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I did not... Not a fan of Brad Pitt, NOR Westerns... But so far I've seen only good reviews... but then again there's Eastern Promises which everyone appear to love and I hated...
  13. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Me neither, but this film might just change my mind. From the trailers it looks like it'll be awesome.
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    That's the point of trailers: To lure you to see a film, which if you miss, you'll regret it for life.
  15. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I'm interested in the character of Robert Ford and how he ends up killing Jesse James.
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Never really watched westerns here lol, but probably gonna watch that 3:10 to yuma thing once it comes on DVD that is lol...And that Jesse James movie, don't really know what to expect...

    Review time!!!

    Harsh Times

    Okay this movie is from the writer of training day so the setting feels very familiar. Christian Bale is a good actor once again, this time taking on the role of a discharged soldier trying to find a career in South Central, LA. He is kinda the bad guy you feel sorry for in the movie. He gets adapted to his environment and the lifestyle found in South Central and has similar emotions to the character denzel washington played in training day, basically a crooked cop sorta character, even though he wasn't yet a cop in this movie. He has post traumatic stress disorder of some sort as demonstrated at the beginning of the film, his character just gets more complicated later though. Then we have his best friend who is played by Freddy Rodrigues, who is trying to also find a job because that's what his girlfriend Eva Langoria wants him to do. Well so they kinda go through a road trip through south central and you kinda get to explore the environment and find out how harsh life is at this setting. Christian Bale talks gangster here though, sometimes even making me laugh and freddy rodriguez plays a believable "Brother from another mother" character, there are seriously some intense scenes here involving christian bale and this scene at a bar.Overall the movie got me engaged in it but if there was something negative in this movie it would be one of those rushed character development parts and also the guy who played Jonah Jameson in spiderman didn't get enough screen time lol.

    I give this 4/5

    Eye in the Sky

    Okay this movie is basically about the Surveillance branch of the HK law enforcements. It shows you a side of cops that doesn't really get themselves into the action but they are the officers who search for evidence to help the cops prosecute the criminals. It stars Simon Yam who is the teacher of Kate Tsui, a new recruit for the agency. You get to witness the story mostly from her point of view. And they are trying to solve a case involving bank robbers who follow the leader "Hollow Man" played by Tony Leung Ka Fai. Well the story is cool and how they show the little details that the team payed attention to is quite amusing, damn you need some good ass memory to do this job. Simon Yam is good as always even though i was kinda questioning his intelligence in one part of the movie and near the end he kinda had a part that was quite cliched. Tony Leung Ka Fai is okay in here, his crew of robbers which includes Lam Suet is good acting wise too. Kate Tsui is actually okay in this movie, good for a pretty new actor. And oh yes Maggie Siu seen her in soo much TVB series where she was actually pretty conservative but she cusses here made me laugh lol, and her chemistry with Simon Yam is pretty good too. There is some faults to the pace of the movie though, some of the surprises was too expected and also Tony Leung Kai Fai's character is not too believable to me, i thought he should've been a little more cunning. And oh yeah the guy who played the pig in Journey to West TVB series, he should've got more time too lol, why he getting so less screen time in HK movies! Overall the focus of this story on the Surveillance was good enough to make it stand out from other HK cop thriller movies and there were some close call moments that just gets you anticipating to what's gonna be the character's faith.

    I give it a 3.8/5
    #56 [N], Sep 18, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Okay done with the good and now the bad and the ugly...

    The Benchwarmers

    I watched this at the beginning of this year's summer, and boy what a bad movie to start summer vacation with, real bad. Rob Schneider is the so called star of this film, yes he sucks in every movie he's in but this one, speechless. He is one of the stupidest actors of all time to get into blockbuster hit movies i'm serious, without adam sandler he might be one of those dudes doing one man shows. He wasn't funny at all, his character was just so ridiculous i laughed. Okay John Heder and David Spade, John Heder is okay in other movies but this movie he acts like a child serious didn't find the stereotypical child behavior jokes funny at all and i got nothing to say about David Spade. Also John Lovitz was stupid too, the stereotype of geeks was just too over the top seriously. The plot was dumb as hell...big grown men who losers at playing baseball with kids, that's about how much intelligence this movie has. Wasted my time.

    I give it a 0.5/5


    This is the the best movie ever made by Uwe Boll! that's what people who have seen his other movies say, i might agree if i seen his other ones too. Well...This shit sucks soo bad that it doesn't even deserve to get a razzie nomination, it should be burned. The story is basically about a female vampire/human named BloodRayne, she was captured and put into a freakshow. Then this lady saves her, and BloodRayne kills her, WTF!!! So unnecessary because it was just so random, what's the reason she did it, to survive but her character wasn't even deep at all to show that type of scene. Okay then she gets these weapons out of nowhere, joins up with the vampire hunting crew which includes michael madson and michelle rodrigues and this dude, they decide to keep her, she fucks one guy out of nowhere, vampire comes, kill kill kill, kills a guardian, vampire (Ben Kingsley) is related to her or something, kills more more, betrayal, kills kills, random quest scene, someone dies no one gives a fuck. The stupidest conclusion ever the end. This is basically a montage of Uwe Bolls fantasy or something, no plot or really any character development at all. Michael Madson makes me laugh in other movies but here, he has the stupidest dialog and accent ever. Michelle Rodriguez was no pushover in other movies too, but here, why was she in this movie again? Okay this is one of the worst movies i've seen this year and possibly in my lifetime, i think even porn has better plot development, that's how bad this is...

    .1/5, for showing Kristanna Loken's boobs

    so this is how you pronounce this fucker's name, i never knew that:

    #57 [N], Sep 19, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Perhaps you can nominate Uwe Boll for Darwin Awards

    This BloodRayne flick (because it doesn't dignify to be called a FILM) reminded me of Dracula 2000, starring Gerrard Butler! 0.5/5

    The story follows the awakening of the infamous Dracula in present day London, who was awaken by a bunch of brainless robber who robbed an antique vault owned by Van Helsing... Coming back with a vengeance, Dracula then goes to New Orleans (of all places) to seek a young woman who shares his blood, who also happens to be the daughter of one very aged (but not dead) Van Helsing, leaving a trail of dead and halfdead in his wake... All I can see in this film is Gerrard Butler's HOTNESS. He was young with angelic curly hair -inlove The rest? Doesn't even worth mentioning, the New Orleans montage is one of the worst pointless montage I've seen in a while. But yeah, Gerrard Butler's hotness made up for the crappiness of this film. Did I mention he was Dracula? If he wasn't in the film, I would heartlessly give this film a 0.

    Following the bad fantastical vibe, here's another one:

    Van Helsing, 1/5

    Did I mention this film sucks? Okay, I was totally tricked into see it because it has 1. Kate Beckinsale in various very tight corsets; 2. Hugh Jackman as the hunky Van Helsing; 3. Richard Roxburgh and his 3 brides including Josie Maran (of all people) and oh 4. Bad mixture of Sci-fi/Fantasy canons.

    There were a lot of women who are scandalously clad (including but not limited to Kate Beckinsale), weird looking hair extension on Hugh Jackman, bad CGI... But Richard Roxburgh did a good job in being the villain (and the walk on the wall/column/ceiling thing? Overrated I tell you)

    If I have to choose to HAVE to sit through one of the above films AGAIN. I would die, unable to choose the lesser of two evils. They are THAT bad, don't waste your time with them.
    #58 hiake, Sep 19, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    From the site:

    "The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it..."

    hahaha, BloodRayne would definitely get atleast a 9.0 from me.... and for Van Helsing, not gonna review it but i would've gave it a 2/5, if not for the hot ass babes alone lols, oh yea it also had the worst interpretation of Frankenstein ever...
  20. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I hate all the Frankenstein spin offs in hollywood. They completely tarnish the image of "the creation".