The Movie Review and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by [N], Sep 17, 2007.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ i only watched the first frankenstein movie and this movie with frankenstein in it i think, don't remember but yes i agree, just like what they did with dracula here too, and also the dracula in blade trinity is like the worst re-creation of classic monster that i've ever seen period, i was like that's dracula? common, not to mention the worst blade vs. dracula brawl ever...
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    But at least Dracula wasn't turned into a mumbling idiot.

    More reviews....

    Shoot 'Em Up

    Another mindless action film. I really wasn't a fan of the cinematography. It was like Sin City with color. Which doesn't work. The movie is more action packed than Transformers, but Transformers has more plot than it(if that is possible). The movie is filled with one liners that really get on your nerves and the acting is horrible. I know you shouldn't expect much from films like this(acting wise). But come on... Did it have to be that bad?


    The choreography in this film was excellent. All the fight scenes just make the film worth while. The character arc of Huo Yuanjia was somewhat interesting, but it didn't really do it for me. However it is still a wonderful film.


    A stunning martial arts epic. The choreography was amazing, and same goes for the cinematography. The film is full of captivating scenes that just draw you in more and more as you watch it. However the film's ending really pissed me off.... . But nonetheless, a marvelous film.
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Without caring about the ending (I didn't really know the history at the time i watched it) and all i would've rated Hero at 4.2/5 cause i really enjoyed the choreography and it was seriously shot very artistically and beautifully, every scenes moves in a art-like motion just breathtaking. Also The story is told in a very original way and there are just so many times where it just plays with the audience. Tony Leung's character was also a standout here. The scene between Donnie Yen and Jet Li was good but it would've been better has it not been so artistically crafted but more brutally shot (yes i am i geek for crazy fight scenes). Maggie Cheung also does her job at being very cool in this movie.

    I give Fearless like a 3.8/5 though because Jet Li's character was too over the top for me. Kind of Unbelievable as to why he do the things he do. I mean his change from cockiness to being hailed as a hero character and the effects applied to his change is somewhat rushed that's what i think. The fight scenes were crazy though, there were just some downright brutal old school fighting films brawl (The iron palm anyone?) and i like that type of fighting in movies.
  4. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    ^ I agree that the character arc in Fearless wasn't executed that well, but it wasn't horrible.

    P.S. Get on gabby NAS :p
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ But based on Jet Li's track record of character portrayal, i think this one's up to par...

    Nah, forget gabby lol....
  6. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I think its a whole lot better than most of his hollywood movies
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^that's truth your speaking there my friend... The One sucked, Cradle to the Grave sucked, Romeo Must Die was mediocre, what else, still haven't seen unleashed or war though, heard unleashed was good...
  8. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I hated unleashed. :\ I would make a review about it, but it would just be a long pointless rant lol.
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
    Ok you have the Batman and Iron Man in the Same Movie, what do you get, a funny ass comedy that just makes you laugh like crazy. The Story is narrated by Robert Downey Jr., a thief who robs electronics and toys who triggered an alarm in one of his robberies and ran from the police and happens to stumble into a movie addition in which he impress the judges. The story basically starts from there, then he meets up with a gay image consultant who says he's not gay anymore, played by Val Kilmer. He then meets up with the dreamgirl whom he has a crush on since he was a child, later on they find out that they are not who they say they were and the story just keeps on getting more and more complicated as a murder of a famous person was intact. Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. has a chemistry kinda like a buddy cop movie of some sort (this is by the creator of lethal weapon), they don't really know each other, but they care about each other nonetheless. There are just some laugh out loud scenes between the two, ex. one scene val kilmer shoots a mini pistol out from inside his pants near the crotch area, and also Robert Downey Jr. has seriously some parts that i couldn't stop laughing at, like a finger problem for instance and there are just many scenes that are sick but too funny not to laugh at, hence it's in the dark humor genre. Michelle Monaghan's character was quite sexy and cunning but their introduction to her character in the beginning leaves me to think that she should've been more deceptive. This movie is kinda like the modern day pulp fiction to me, the narrative and the scenes try to play with the audience and also there are intros to chapter and stuff, a film noir quality in it. There's one point where Robert Downey Jr. asks the audience, "Have you solved the case yet?" just makes you think back to what happened as the scene does continuous flashbacks and rewind to recap and help you solve the puzzle. I enjoyed this movie alot and it's one of those movies that i wasn't bored for a minute at, it kept me entertained the whole time...

    I give it a 4.5/5
    #69 [N], Sep 19, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    *Note: I regard myself as a fussy viewer... So a 4 rated by me is really a good, great film indeed!

    1 = A disaster
    2 = Mediocre, can be missed
    3 = Above average, worth a watch
    4 = Great; awesome; impressive
    5 = Flawless


    It had potential. This movie started out interesting, a teenage kid distraught by his father's death; assaulted his teacher and got sentenced to home-arrest for 3 years. Spying on his neighbours, he became convinced that a man-next-door is a serial-killer. He also has this romantic interest played by Sarah Roemer... Well the romance part is a lil fake, which gorgeous girl would hang out with a weirdo who spies on her that easily?
    The ending was kinda disappointing as well.


    Even worse than Disturbia. Watched this expecting lots of tension, pressure, gore, whatever, it just wasn't there. Looked like a ridiculous movie to me. A couple got stranded and ended up at this motel... which of course has something wrong with it. When they watch a snuff tape in their room and the surrounding looked familiarly disturbing (their own room), they start to panic.
    I watched this to the end just for the sake of Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson.

    Perfect Strangers

    Ah, finally this is a little better. Out of the 3, I would say this is the one you should go for if you wanna watch a mystery/drama/thriller. Halle Berry was great as usual, a reporter trying to dig deeper into her friend's case when she was found dead. She met her friend one week before, and the friend told her she was having an affair with a high-profile businessman played by Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis didn't really have a large role in this movie, surprisingly. A little disappointing at that. I think it would have been better if there was more character development on him.

    The Hitcher

    An 'entertaining' slasher flick... I took this from IMDB, hella funny. Some of them contain SPOILERS, so skip if you want to.

    The Number 23

    This reminds me of SECRET WINDOW badly. I mean to the extent that I could somehow guess the ending.
    A recommended watch if you have not watched Stephen King's Secret Window, otherwise, skip it. You get to see Jim Carrey playing a serious role, a deranged man on the verge of losing it over an obsession with the number 23 of course. Interesting, considering Jim Carrey has always been known for his comedic roles...

    Bridge to Terabithia

    Do NOT dismiss this as a kids' film! It is highly recommended by ME! I watched this expecting it to be a FANTASY movie. It is not, instead, it was an awesome family, adventure, drama. I got bored somewhere in the middle of course, but an unexpected twist grabbed my attention again.

    Josh Hutcherson plays the odd kid out in school, always being bullied... At home, he's all alone as well, being ignored by all his other siblings (which happen to be all SISTERS), well except for the youngest one, played adorably by Bailee Madison.

    Things were dull until the arrival of the new girl Leslie Burke played by AnnaSophia Robb; whom starred as Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Reaping as Loren.

    Great acting by the kids; and extremely heartwarming movie. Give it a try!


    What can I say. A great adventure and drama all the way, non-English film directed and written by Mel Gibson. A tribe got invaded by another; some of the men captured as sacrifices.. the hero escapes; and then the run and chase begins.

    Recommended if you like action adventure flicks.

    Freedom Writers

    Another highly recommended drama flick. Hillary Swank did a great job portraying a young, passionate teacher caring for her students without appearing fake. A touching, heartwarming one, although highly predictable. I would have given it a 4 if it's not such a typical 'teacher-student' movie.

    The Reaping

    Well rated a 2, because Hillary Swank's in it. Nevertheless, she failed to redeem this movie. It HAD potential, but the ending is just ridiculous... Give this one a miss unless you are HIGHLY intrigued by the Ten Biblical Plagues.

    More to come -^_^
    #70 BabyRain, Sep 20, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Film list stolen from BabyRain's recent reviews:

    The Number 23, 3.5/5

    This film is kind of a miss and a hit. It was thrilling and great during the first hour or so, then crash landed with the climax, but recovered near the end of the film. The premise was not new, but the stylistic montage of the detective was uber-cool. I sincerely think that Jim Carrey should explore his career further in the thriller/drama department and not limit himself in the comedy genre. Afterall, he IS the reason this film didn't suck... Love it despite its lameness at certain times...

    Apocalypto, 3/5

    It was one of those action films which got the pacing right. Slow-fast-slow-fast-slow-fast-fast-fast. I did not enjoy the overly gory deaths of certain natives and/or animals, since I would prefer it if they maintain the point of the story on the chase instead of the close fight.

    The Reaping, 1/5

    It was extremely promising in the beginning. But the story, as it progresses, fell short... It was as if the scriptwriter is schizophrenic or something, as the first half of the film and the second half of the film has an ENTIRELY different spin on the religious matter. The ending was almost anti-climatic and a unseemly homage to Rosemary's Baby -sweat Unless you like Hilary Swank passionately, you can miss this film without much regret. So yeah, the CGI visualization of (five of) the ten plagues was the only redeeming characteristic of this film -mellow
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    OH i really enjoy the gory scenes. It would have not been as effective if there's no goriness :p
    Besides the goriness was done in a fast kinda way, I mean a natural way instead of solely focussing on the goriness... Like it's supposed to be natural; quick, fast, effective. Good thing they didn't overdo it.
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You've got a point, but I find the whole sacrifice sequence 5 minutes too long... But I LOVED how he used poison from dart frog -devil
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Heh if there's no goriness, the 'finisher' scene (escaping at the corn field) would not be as effective, don't you think?
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Oh, that wasn't the part I was complaining about... As that finisher sequence was quite clinically lacking in blood. I was talking about the beheading and the hunting in the very beginning which only served to show "they are barbaric people"...
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Haha well like you said, the whole scene leading to the sacrifice was kinda draggy; it got me bored...
    n the beheading scene is the 'shocking' one that woke me up. -lol
  17. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Invisible Target

    Another Hong Kong cop film.... The movie was plain boring. I can't believe I finished watching the whole thing. Fights were ok, but the plot and characters seemed like they were made to purposely bore you. Avoid at all costs if you don't want to get bored to death.
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    -er ^This is a Non-Asian movie discussion
  19. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Its not the first time an Asian movie has been reviewed in here. -unsure
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Hmm okay. <_<

    My rating:

    1 = A disaster
    2 = Mediocre, can be missed
    3 = Above average, worth a watch
    4 = Great; awesome; impressive
    5 = Flawless

    The Condemned

    A film made by the WWE, starring Stone Cold Steve Austin, former wrestler. Vinnie Jones plays the bad guy.

    I was pleasantly surprised by this! Predictable, cliche storyline, whatever, throw all logic aside, it was still an entertaining action flick if u ask me.

    The only complaint I have is.. why they gotta make the hero an ex-USA army again? Is the USA Army really that good? -.- -> A fictitious website

    A bunch of sick people decided to make quick bucks thru the internet by filming a reality kill-or-be-killed survivor show (live streaming). They scouted for the candidates through other countries, prisoners on death row.

    Then the 10 of them were let off on the island one by one, reminds me of Dead or Alive cum Battle Royale.
    Each of them has a device attached to their ankle, it will self-explode in 30 hours; or if you detach a strip from it. You find and kill each other; the sole survivor will get to live and the device will be removed, a bunch of money as a prize and a free man (or woman). At least that is what was promised. -rolleyes

    It has a satisfying kick-ass ending. :D

    The only thing I was hoping for was a Stone Cold stunner, which didn't happen... -rotfl

    Anyway, a decent action flick, give this a try if you like action adventure especially if you are a WWE fan.
    #80 BabyRain, Sep 20, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007