The Movie Review and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by [N], Sep 17, 2007.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^wow usually hear bad stuff about WWE films, wanted to see this one because stone cold is still one of my favorite wrestlers (WWF/E fan here) but didn't see it yet, no stone cold stunner huh lol he, even the rock does the rock bottom in his movies lol. But still saw stone cold acting in The Longest Yard, he wasn't too bad, hopefully i will get to see this one later. The survival of the fittest theme here sounds interesting...

    Oh yeah i think i ruined the Non-Asian movie thing lol, oops, it's bound to happen again though...
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Well, I am hoping for an Undertaker movie doing a Tombstone.. That would be cool!!! -devil
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^Lol remember they have a wrestlemania hollywood thing where they have undertaker playing clint eastwood in dirty harry haha:


    Do you feel lucky? hahaha

    Yes him doing the tombstone in a movie would make me say "holy shit" for sure lol...
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Manufactured Landscapes, 1.5/5

    This is one of the most disappointing documentaries I've seen, while the theme -- landscapes which are converted or came into being for "production" purposes, the film seemed loose and unfocused with an overload of slideshow images of photographs taken by Edward Burtynsky. The images themselves are some of the best photojournalist pieces, yet their power fell flat when it's the upmillionth piece you see and soon the audience get bored from it. It didn't help that the film was minimally narrated, showing long, continuous sequences of manufacturers in China, in Bangladesh... People who extract traces of heavy metals from e-waste without protective gears, dam construction, disintegration of a ship by hand...

    It is a film with great many potentials, but it only translated into a lackluster social calling with unnecessary sentimentalism. I bet the photo exhibition of Edward Burtynsky would be awesome though, his images can be quite powerful. Samples:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Resident Evil: Extinction, 2.5/5

    As many of you may know, horror is one genre I never able to say no to. I love down-to-earth thriller-horror as much as supernatural ones, werewolves, vampires and zombies are my favourite things in cinema. Okay, maybe not.

    So here's the third installment of a zombie franchaise adapted from a popular video game. I've seen the first two (of course) and to be truthful, there isn't a lot of new things in this sequel. The pacing was off, extremely long stretch of zombie-chase/devouring humans with little to no actual climatic stand-off.

    Perhaps I am asking for too much, in the unlikely case of a zombie break-out, biohazard warfare, would any survivor enjoy the machoistic killing of other survivers not for resources but purely for the entertainment value? Not to mention the endless and boundless underground complex(es) of Umbrella Corp. There are certain elements which is praise worthy, but unfortunately none of them is the logic and sense behind the story.

    Talking about merit, I liked how previous clips and sets and storylines were re-used and paralleled in this installment, the AI, the Mansion (from RE1), the Hospital (from RE2)... My one, if not only, complain is that the story became too elaborate that they had to cut it short because they have no other way to end it without being cheesy or unnecessary... They toed the line of bad sequel dangerously close with this third installment of Resident Evil... Yet all in all, I preferred this one better than the second one, so my order would be 1 > 3 > 2...

    I just hope there isn't a 4th one coming out. They are definitely running out of ideas, seeing how they recycled MANY ideas from the two previous RE films...

    And oh, if you don't think Milla Jovovich is hot or cool, reduce my rating to 1.5/5. I gave that extra 1 point for her hotness. Some of her stunts are quite amazing, though I am CERTAIN that it was a stuntsman who did them...
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^what you can give one point for hotness? lol well i gave .1 for boobs, but only watched the first resident evil was pretty disappointed, gonna probably check the 3rd one out cause it looks pretty cool and nikki from heroes is in it lol.
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    She's the blond one right? She was kind of annoying... But again, in zombie films, it's either a character is zombie bait or superhero... -tongue2

    I loved the fact that they give you a summary of the previous 2 films, re-used some of the sets... and Milla (Alice) was hot doing those fights <--- personal opinion.
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Stranger than Fiction, 4/5

    Did you liked Being John Malkovich? Adaptation? Or even, Nothing? Stranger than Fiction is another one of those Meta films with amazing script and story. The star-studded cast (including Will Farrell, Emma Thompson, Queen Latifah, Dustin Hoffman and Maggie Gyllenhaal) were excellent in the film, making this film one of the sleeper hit that got away without major media attention.

    Main character was Will Farrell, who one day discovers that his life is being narrated by a woman, who later declares his imminent death. Confused, Farrell seeked help from a professor in literature (Dustin Hoffman) while finding a love interest (Maggie Gyllenhaal) by sheer coincidence from his auditing job.

    The entire film has a certain surreal quality to it, not unlike the ridiculousness of Farrell's character's life. Excellent job in creating concrete characters and smart lines.

    And of course, never fail to mention the whole META thing is just a HUGH plus, makes the film so much more interesting.
  10. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i would give Stranger than Fiction 4/5 too cause like you said it has a surreal quality to it. You kinda get attached to the character in a way. And also Will Farrell was a different character here than his other movies, no ridiculously dumb jokes and immature personality here. Not sure what really is META, but if it's like the character writes the story for themselves, like a story in a story thing yea i think Adaptation would be another example. I think I enjoyed Adaptation kinda the same until like towards the end where it was a little too cliched to fit into the pace of that movie's story. But Nicholas Cage was really good playing two different characters and also Meryl Streep is just a wacko and that dude who won the oscar or something, acted so different from his other movies. That was a good movie but i just didn't like the conclusion.

    Yea she was the blond one lol, but from my experience blonds almost never has good outcomes in zombie movies... She probably taking a similar role to michelle rodriguez in the first one or something.
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    META is like... how there's a story INSIDE the story. Like in Adaptation, you have Nic Cage talking/writing about himself translating (and thus, implying two parallel universe), or in the case of Stranger than Fiction, you kind of guess who controlled who (character driven story vs. plot driven story, that's the part where Hoffman told Farrell not to do ANYTHING at all, if the story Thompson is writing is plot driven, it cannot proceed as nothing happened, but since it's character driven and Farrell's house was demolished, we cannot tell with certainty)

    META film had always been a guilty pleasure of mine, makes me feel like a literary geek all over again -tongue2

    Similar in some ways... but even more passive.
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    All i have to know is META is a story in a story probably in another story lol, let's just forget about the other things you said. Guess i'm not ready to become a real time film critique yet haha, i don't want to be if i have to learn even more than that. I'm too lazy-tongue2

    And michelle rodriguez is a real life lesbian or something that's probably why she is always soo aggressive in her movies haha, ok now i'm being biased...
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, I never saw her in Dark Angel (she was in Dark Angel right?) The only film(s) I've seen her in were RE1 and SWAT. And OMG, she was in BloodRayne (that's courtesy of IMDb -tongue2)
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^dark angel... you mean jessica alba? haha, but yes she's one of those actors in that BloodRayne, but so was Ben Kingsley and Michael Madson, they are more respected though...

    So you've never seen Fast and the Furious, Girl Fight, and i forgot the other movies she's in lol.
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, I probably got them mixed up (Alba and Rodriguez). But yeah, I didn't see a single one of the Fast and the Furious franchise... Not a car fan -sweat
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    what how you get them mixed up, jessica's the hottie and michelle rodrigues the tomboy lol, and oh yea i never watched "Lost" but she was in it too. And Fast and Furious, you should at least watch the first one lol, that movie kinda brought illegal street racing into the spot like and caused a span of many copycats, although it wasn't that good of a movie.
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I will probably be too distracted by Vin Diesel if I see Fast and the Furious -tongue2
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lol that dude's such a wooden actor, he's mostly type-casted in his movies, bald and bad ass that's it haha...
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    damn, im lovin the new season of House...

    i dunno about the new team he is gonna hire though... i would suspect the guy who plays kumar will win for sure just because he is more famous then the rest of the people, but none people are anywhere near as good as the previous cast.

    aaah i want foreman, chase and cameron back :(
  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^wrong thread but lol, kumar and olivia wilde, didn't expect them to be on the team...